Girls' Dormitory Escape - Chapter 79

Chapter 79: Surprise Hygiene Inspection

    "Don't panic."

    Tang Xinjue picked up the whiteboard and comforted the frightened people.

    Panic couldn't solve the problem. There was too much information in the current situation, and they needed to sort it out one by one.

    "First of all, we can be sure that we did not pass the hygiene inspection."

    The judgment on the whiteboard was bright red, announcing the failure of everyone.

    But to their surprise, there was no death condition or monster attack with the failure, only a general [confinement punishment].

    "Secondly, from the hints of the exam information, we can guess that there will be a second inspection tomorrow."

    Tang Xinjue read the information on the screen several times before putting down her phone, "So now we have to figure out two things."

    "First, why did we fail this time; second, how to wait safely until tomorrow's inspection."


    After accepting the reality, everyone felt complicated.

    After a busy and tense morning, it turned out to be a waste of time, and they had to face the unknown confinement next. Anyone would inevitably be disappointed.

    But on the bright side, except for a little harassment, there was no danger during the whole process. 16 people were standing here in one piece, and the task requirements were not urgent, which was safer than most of the exams they had experienced.

    "By the way, did you see the inspectors?" No. 11 asked.

    "Don't mention it. I just saw a dark scene in front of my eyes, and I heard a lot of vague noises buzzing in my head. Then I almost fainted from the pain. I opened my eyes and it was now." No. 11 and her roommates looked frustrated.

    Everyone's answers were similar. At 11 o'clock, everyone was dragged into a memory that did not belong to them, or an illusion. When they woke up, everything was over, and they didn't even see the shadow of the "Student Union".

    "This is strange." Jiang Lan said to herself: "The absence of the inspector means there is no danger?"

    The "hygiene inspection" repeatedly emphasized by various clues was thought to be the most dangerous moment, but it ended so suddenly that there was no hint left, so they had no way to change it...

    No, there was a hint!

    Jiang Lan suddenly clapped her hands: "Let's write down what we heard in the hallucination, maybe there is a reason in it!"


    No. 11 and her roommates looked at each other, all four of them looked confused: "You can still hear complete sentences? But we only heard inexplicable noises."

    Tang Xinjue suddenly raised her eyes and met Jiang Lan's surprised eyes, as if she understood something.

    Ten minutes later.

    Zhang You contributed a few pieces of paper from her pocket supplies, and everyone repeated everything they felt in their heads into words. Surprisingly, only 10 people wrote down the specific content.

    These papers were pieced together, and Tang Xinjue glanced at them and got the comparison result:

    from No. 11 to No. 16, no clear sentences were heard, only vague sounds, and no effective information could be extracted.

    Starting from No. 10, the girl could hear the vague conversation and remember the words in it, but she couldn't form a sentence, and couldn't tell who was talking... Including Zhang You until No. 5, it was the same.

    The only exception was Guo Guo. Perhaps because of the blessing of the Yin-Yang Eyes, although she could not hear clearly, she could "see" the picture and directly reproduced it in the form of simple drawings.

    Only four people could clearly hear the voice in the hallucination and remember it completely.

    Bed No. 1 Tang Xinjue, Bed No. 2 Jiang Lan, Bed No. 3 Keke, Bed No. 4 Zheng Wanqing.

    Among the four people, only Tang Xinjue saw the images.

    Tang Xinjue frowned slightly, temporarily suppressed her memories and speculations about the image, and began to piece together the existing information.

    The memories of everyone pieced together just formed a complete memory.

    The main body of the memory was a group of girls with unknown names.

    Because they failed the college entrance examination, they spent a lot of money to come to this university - a regular undergraduate school that claimed to have complete documents. On the first day of school, they were placed in this large dormitory at the end of the 9th floor, and their mobile phones and all electronic tools were taken away.

    The dormitory was crowded and simple. Not only was it cold, but every night they would hear faint crying coming up from the 8th floor along the floor, which made them feel uneasy palpitation.

    In panic, the girls in the dormitory also wanted to communicate with people in other dormitories. In addition to them, there were two girls' dormitories in this building, 919 and 921... But for some reason, other students stayed in the dormitories all day long, and they were like zombies when they met, and it was difficult to communicate.

    The girls were getting more and more scared.

    At first, the school sent people to comfort them in the face of their questions. But as time passed, the promised courses were delayed, and they were trapped in the dormitory building by the strict school rules, and they could not move except for three meals a day.

    The girls felt unbearable and quarreled with the school staff, and soon they were subjected to unprecedented terrible punishment: a long-lasting confinement.

    The stairs were blocked from the outside, and everyone was trapped in the dormitory without sunlight, and they were only allowed to go to the toilet for a short time every day. In order not to starve to death, they could only buy instant noodles and snacks from several seniors who claimed to be the student union at high prices, and barely survived with hunger.

    After the punishment, everyone in the dormitory was emaciated and dared not protest again.

    They just wanted to go outside and take a look, even if it was just for a second of sunlight... Everyone was eagerly crowding in front of the instructor and dormitory manager who came to lecture them, and their eyes were fixed on the far side of the corridor, in the direction of the staircase.

    They had not been out for so long that they had even forgotten the direction and appearance of the staircase. In their eyes, this corridor was like a prison blocked on all sides, so oppressive that it made them breathless.

    The instructor was still lecturing: "Of course, don't worry, our school is a regular university with a certificate. As long as you pay the fees on time... we guarantee that you will have both a diploma and an academic degree... About next month, a group of new classmates will come in and live in the vacant rooms 919 and 921. You must set a good example then, do you understand?"

    The girls' senses, which had been dulled by wear and tear, responded with confused expressions: "919 and 921... are vacant? Aren't there classmates living in them?"

    The instructor raised his eyebrows high, as if he was looking at a group of lunatics: "Bullshit, your dormitory is the only one on the 9th floor with people. The students in the other two dormitories last year died... graduated, what are you dreaming about?"

    The girls were speechless, and a cold sweat crept up their backs.

    Their eyes involuntarily passed behind the instructor and looked at dormitories 919 and 921... The wooden doors that were originally normal had been covered with thick dust at some point. The next second, the doors opened silently, and one pale face after another pressed against the wall.

    The girls who had passed by them countless times had expressionless faces, black spots all over their skin, and their stiff mouths slowly opened:

    Don't believe it... Leave... Run away...

    Fear gripped their hearts, even more than the instructors' vicious scolding, but they couldn't scream or move their legs.

    ——Because another more terrifying scene appeared in front of them.

    The memory ended here, and Guo Guo sat down on the ground in exhaustion: "I really can't see what happened next."

    Up to now, all the descriptions of the scene are basically the work of Guo Guo alone, but her entire memory ends here, and she didn't see the end of the memory.

    What did the "original students" of this dormitory see that was more terrifying than seeing a ghost with their own eyes?

    Tang Xinjue said in a deep voice: "It's a black fog."

    "At the end of the memory, they saw a black fog floating out from the end of the corridor, and the darkness swallowed everything."

    Whether it was the ghost in the next dormitory, the instructor, or the students in the memory, they were all swallowed by the black fog that suddenly appeared. This was the end of the memory.

    Jiang Lan sighed heavily: "It seems that there is no information related to the hygiene inspection, but rather the background of this school and dormitory. What does the exam want to tell us?"

    Keke said coldly: "I only know that this fake university and the so-called school staff are a group of beasts who slipped into the human world from the animal path when they were reincarnated. Expecting us to pass their inspection? It is more reliable to expect the beasts to become spirits."

    Guo Guo's focus was on another aspect: "It's obvious that the exam wants to tell us that there are ghosts in 919 and 921! Living ghosts!"

    Zhang You frowned: "Solitary confinement is a punishment that tests people's endurance and material storage. According to the memories, the total amount of food required for 16 people is very large. This is the problem we have to face tonight."

    Everyone had different questions and a diverse emphasis on the memories.

    Jiang Lan turned to look at Tang Xinjue: "What do you think?"

    Tang Xinjue's mind flashed again with the thick black fog that swallowed everything, but her reason and intuition told her that this scene was probably unrelated to the content of the exam.

    This was a fragment she felt with her mental power alone, and judging from the decline in her health, the game didn't seem to want her to know.

    So she shifted her gaze and looked at other information.

    "All the information in the exam can be summarized into two categories: one is to want us to die, and the other is to want us to live."

    "Since we haven't triggered the death condition now, then the information given in this section is our way out."

    "And the way out can also be divided into two types, one is to find the answer, and the other is to avoid danger."

    Jiang Lan's eyes lit up: "That's right... The exam cannot be without danger. Under the surface safety, there may be more unpredictable hidden dangers. I prefer the latter. This memory is a reminder to help us avoid danger."

    She never believed that the exam would be easy and let them wait until tomorrow's inspection. This night will definitely not be calm.

    Tang Xinjue nodded: "So, the danger we are going to face next is buried in this memory."

    Find it and they can survive.

    And being alive is the prerequisite of everything!


    The author has something to say:  

    Game: Please judge the meaning of the test question~

    Student: Draw a capitalized "死" (death)

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