Live From the Murder Scene - Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Danger

    He Jueyun's smile gave Xie Qimeng a huge sense of crisis. He felt that his brother had sunk. In other words, his brain was going to be broken.

    At this moment, Qiong Cang inside turned her head and saw the two people standing outside the door.

    Her emotionless eyes looked at them deeply, giving people the illusion of being stared at.

    She probably recognized Xie Qimeng and deliberately lowered her chin to make the outline of her facial features look more sinister in the light. At the same time, she raised the corners of her lips, revealing a rather nasty, even provocative smile.

    She knew how to stimulate Xie Qimeng. And she did it successfully.

    Xie Qimeng instantly felt a chill creeping up his spine, blocking out everything he wanted to say.

    The fear of Qiong Cang, in the long-term game, has become a fuse rooted in his heart. As long as he sees her, it will be on the verge of short-circuit tripping.

    He looked at He Jueyun subconsciously, wanting his brother to get to know the scary person behind Qiong Cang. Anyone who had seen Qiong Cang in person would not feel that she was not dangerous.

    As a result, the latter's expression was very dull and he nodded politely towards the other party.

    He Jueyun had experienced that kind of look when the two met for the first time. Although his understanding of Qiong Cang was very limited, he deeply believed that Qiong Cang was intentional. This was her way of playing pranks, as bad as teasing children.

    But last time it was against him for being late, and this time it was against Xie Qimeng.

    When He Jueyun was thinking this, Xie Qimeng had already grabbed his arm and hurriedly pulled him away.

    Qiong Cang's eyes followed them for a while, then turned away boredly.

    The two of them went to the end of the nearby walkway, and Xie Qimeng solemnly asked He Jueyun to stand opposite him.

    Xie Qimeng put one hand on He Jueyun's shoulder, pointed at him sternly and said, "Do you think I'm joking with you?"

    "This has nothing to do with a joke, it's because we have different views. Lao Xie, Sanyao's operations have their own requirements. It's not as free as you want." He Jueyun paused, and then said, "And I believe that I can make my own judgment.”
*Lao Xie, literally ‘Old Xie’ is how He Jueyun called Xie Qimeng because they’re close with each other.

    "The most fearful thing is to believe." Xie Qimeng smiled bitterly, "She seems to be repelling others, but that is even more terrifying. Once she relaxes her vigilance towards you, you will think that you have broken through her defense. You don't know whenever you will be affected by her, this is her psychological tactic."

    He Jueyun said: "Are you thinking too fantastically about her?"

    "She can only be more powerful than you can think!" Xie Qimeng opened his eyes wide, "Haven't you seen her acting skills?"

    He Jueyun nodded with satisfaction: "It's indeed good. Our [Crime Analysis] are short of talents who can act like this."

    Xie Qimeng was about to be angered to death by him.

    He let go of He Jueyun and stood in front of the glass door of the balcony.

    His figure was reflected in the transparent glass, and his frowning eyebrows clearly revealed his anxiety.

    Xie Qimeng said solemnly: "Qiong Cang, when she was working at University A, she was a very maverick person. She was a specially appointed lecturer at University A. She had no scientific research pressure and did not usually take care of students. However, she once specialized in coaching. The few students who have passed her class were not simple people.”

    "One of them was a serial murderer who shocked the country. He has now been sentenced to death." Xie Qimeng recalled it, still feeling a dense sense of horror. "That was a very vicious criminal, a complete pervert. He has a very high IQ, and is extremely good at misleading the police. He commits crimes in many places and it seems to be irregular. Until now, we have not announced the specific details of the case. "

    He Jueyun said: "I've heard of it."

    Xie Qimeng: "Every time he commits a crime, he will clean the scene very cleanly, but he will deliberately leave something related to Qiong Cang at the scene."

    He Jueyun was stunned for a moment. He really didn't know this detail: "He hates Qiong Cang?"

    "No!" Xie Qimeng said, "He worships his teacher extremely, or in other words, faith! He does this to show that he is following the will of God to kill people, and that God is Qiong Cang. If you have seen him, you will understand what a disgusting person he is."

    He Jueyun lowered his head and pondered.

    Xie Qimeng: "There is another student..."

    He Jueyun raised his eyebrows: "Who?"

    Xie Qimeng: "During this period, the media has been bombarding and reporting intensively on a piece of news. It said that after being released from prison, a minor murderer found the witnesses who had accused him and killed them one by one as revenge. In the end, he successfully escaped from the police roundup and his whereabouts are still unknown. Do you know?"

    He Jueyun said: "Of course."

    The official had been scolded countless times online for this. You never know how good netizens could be at sarcasm.
"This is also her student, and she has taught him for many years. When he was in prison, he communicated with Qiong Cang three times a week. It can be said that he was taught by Qiong Cang." Xie Qimeng's eyelids kept twitching, so he raised his hand and rubbed his eye sockets. "When the police were chasing him, the last call on his mobile phone was to Qiong Cang. The call lasted 32 seconds. I don't believe that Qiong Cang didn't provide any help."

    He Jueyun half-closed his eyes, seeming to be considering.

    Xie Qimeng thought he had heard what he said, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "So..."

    He Jueyun suddenly pinched his chin and said, "What is this phenomenon called? Doctor Fang Qi said it is called the halo effect."

    Xie Qimeng said angrily: "I'm serious!"

    "The case is not decided by coincidence, Lao Xie." He Jueyun also said with a serious face, "You are very biased now. You clearly know that there is no evidence, so you adopted this method. Your current behavior could be disqualified."

    Xie Qimeng: "I just don't want more tragedies to happen."

    He Jueyun: "Tragedy usually starts with prejudice."

    Xie Qimeng said: "You have no way to explain those coincidences!"

    "The reason why coincidence is called a coincidence is because it cannot be explained." He Jueyun said, "There are many uncertainties in the world."

    Xie Qimeng wanted to say more, but He Jueyun interrupted him and said: "Lao Xie, thank you for the reminder, I will pay attention to it. I respect you, and I hope you also respect me and my work."

    Xie Qimeng knew the character of his brother. They both knew each other's stubbornness. He wanted to open his mouth several times, but finally said helplessly: "Okay."

    He Jueyun said: "You can take a stroll first. I have something to do now and will come to see you later."


    He Jueyun returned to the lounge, opened the door and went in. Qiong Cang was still sitting inside.

    She noticed the movement here, and with her arms in her bag, she said abruptly: "Don't move."

    He Jueyun was stunned for a moment and stopped in place, his eyes sliding from the other person's arm to the closed mouth of the bag.

    I saw Qiong Cang slowly taking out a piece of bread from the bag. Then she calmly opened the package and took a small bite.

    This was the first time the two met in real life. He Jueyun originally felt a little strange, even embarrassed, but now that feeling was completely gone.

    "Haha." He Jueyun laughed angrily at her, "Are you kidding me?"

    "The reason why you hesitate is because you really suspect that I am carrying dangerous items." Qiong Cang's voice was clearer than in the game, but her voice was also flatter. She said with a smile, "Even if when I have to enter your Sanyao's lounge, it needs to go through multiple security monitoring, and I can’t bring in so-called dangerous items at all.”

    He Jueyun said: "I don't think like that."

    Qiong Cang turned her face and looked directly behind him.

    He Jueyun turned around. Sure enough, Xie Qimeng was holding the door open, peeking furtively inside through the gap. Seeing that he was discovered, he ran away in despair.

    He Jueyun: "..." Where is the strong and tough man that was promised?

    "He often talks bad about me." Qiong Cang unscrewed the bottle cap, "I'm used to it."

    Maybe it was because the dungeon was too long and she hadn't eaten properly, so she didn't have much energy to speak.

    He Jueyun saw that the bread in her hand was a little dry and asked, "Do you want to heat it up?"

    Qiong Cang said: "No need."

    He Jueyun also recommended: "There are a lot of pastries and candies in front. If you want to eat something else, just order directly, and the chef will help you make it. The dishes and ingredients are all from the restaurant downstairs, and they are very fresh."

    Qiong Cang: "Yeah. The table is big, I saw it. No need."

    He Jueyun looked at her face for a long time and said: "It's free. Just use your login card to swipe, no money will be deducted."

    Qiong Cang's hand was immediately held down by a metaphysical force. She changed her statement tactfully: "Oh."

    Why does poverty in this world always make people cry so easily?

    After a moment of silence.

    Qiong Cang asked from the heart: "Can we take it away?"

    He Jueyun suppressed a smile and said: "In principle, it's not possible. But because of your perfect clearance, please do as you please."

    Qiong Cang asked again: "When will you go away?"

    He Jueyun couldn't help but feel heartbroken. After taking a deep breath, he stretched out his hand: "Formally introduce myself, He Jueyun."

    Qiong Cang shook his hand perfunctorily.

    He Jueyun rarely experienced this feeling of being rejected. For a moment, he even wanted to stay and chat with her forever. Fortunately, he quickly woke up and realized that he might be the one suffering if he did so.

    "Congratulations on passing the instance. You can leave at any time now. However, we will have a return visit later, so please keep in touch."

    Qiong Cang became a little more enthusiastic and nodded: "Yes."

    He Jueyun walked to the door and used his authority to send a text message to the manager of the lounge, asking him to provide packaging and delivery services to Qiong Cang. Then he went to his office to organize the information of this instance and prepare to seal it up and close it.

    The author has something to say:

    Xie Qimeng: Damn, you scared me to death!

    Qiong Cang: Hehehehe~

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