Girls' Dormitory Escape - Chapter 78

Chapter 78: Surprise Hygiene Inspection

    Dormitory 917.

    The shrill screams lingered, and the source of the sounds were two shivering girls at the end of the room.

    Ou Ruofei pointed at the head of her bed and screamed in terror. Ah Nian was frightened by her and screamed uncontrollably. Two high-pitched sounds came in layers, shaking the whole room.

    "Stop shouting! What happened?" The first person to come over was No. 3 Keke.

    Ou Ruofei's body was unsteady and she almost fell. She stumbled and said, "Her, my, my bed! Blood!"

    She trembled and pointed at the blood-red sheets.

    A Nian nodded immediately, "Yes, yes, I just said there was blood. You didn't believe me!"

    She didn't lie. At first, the blood stains on the bed were fleeting and not obvious. But now the two adjacent bedheads are bright red, which can be said to be extremely eye-catching, even if you want to ignore it.

    Ke Ke separated the two of them and walked over, stretched out her hand and touched it, and said coolly: "Are you stupid? This is not blood, this is ketchup."

    A Nian was angry: "You lied to me, I am not a child anymore!"

    Ou Ruofei also didn't believe it, and even thought that the other party said it deliberately out of prejudice, and shouted in a crying voice: "This is obviously blood, you can't - ah, ah, why are you pulling me?" When Keke pulled her over, Ou Ruofei suddenly panicked and fluttered like a little chicken whose neck was pinched. But the strength difference was so great that she was carried to the bed without any resistance and was forced to press her hands onto the sheets.

    The sticky and cold touch made Ou Ruofei even more frightened. She quickly retracted her hand and tried to wipe away the blood on her hand.

    However, after wiping it twice, her movements became a little hesitant, and her face distorted by fear slowly became sluggish. Finally, she tentatively put her hand in front of her nose and smelled it -

    Was it really ketchup? ? ?

    Ke Ke turned around and lifted the quilt of A Nian on bed No. 16 and touched it: "It's also ketchup."

    A Nian said: "Huh?"

    She sniffed, walked over and smelled it, and her eyes suddenly widened: "How could it be? It's so weird. It was obviously thick and scary blood just now!"

    Keke scolded her: "You yourself know that blood is scary, and you still call others to come and see, what if they get scared?"

    "Yes, I'm sorry..."

    Jiang Lan came over and looked at the position and distribution of ketchup on the two beds: "Maybe it's because of the light. From a distance, it does look like the color of blood. It's different when you look closer."

    "But, why did ketchup appear on the bed for no reason?"

    The other girls in the dormitory who dared not approach asked from a distance.

    "It might be a prank from the impostors outside the door, or it might be something used in the exam to mess with our mentality." Keke shrugged: "If there is really blood on the bed, I can give you an analysis, but how do I analyze ketchup? They can't possibly choke the students to death with ketchup, right?"

    It's not known whether ketchup can choke people, but the others were choked* by No. 3 and could only leave in disappointment.

    *they were left speechless

    The two frightened parties unfortunately became the target of No. 3's strange energy. "If I were a ghost who wanted to kill you, I wouldn't need to attack you. I just need to lock you two together, and you can scare yourselves to death."

    Ou Ruofei / A-Nian: "Sob..."

    "Okay Keke, stop talking." Jiang Lan interrupted No. 3's ridicule and called her over to whisper a few words.

    Ou Ruofei didn't know what the two of them were talking about. She just wiped her tears when she saw Jiang Lan walking towards the other four people and asked politely: "I'm sorry, can we go to your bed and take a look?"

    She was referring to the beds of No. 13 and No. 15.

    The four of them hesitated. Before No. 15 said anything, No. 13 suddenly shook her head and strongly refused: "No, you can't go to my bed!"

    Seeing No. 13's tough attitude, No. 15 also shook her head and rejected Jiang Lan.

    Keke stood between the two bunk beds and said unhappily: "It's just a look, and I won't steal your things. What are you afraid of? Besides, why don’t you use your brains to think about it. The ketchup is flowing down from the wall from top to bottom. Where is its source? Who is the upper bunk of these two idiots?"

    The four people trembled, and their breathing became rapid. No. 13 and No. 15 were breathing heavily, and finally No. 13 compromised: "No need for you, I'll look at it myself."

    Under the watchful eyes of these few people, No. 13 and No. 15 climbed up the ladder and got into bed. They checked around carefully and shook their heads: "There's no ketchup."

    "Apart from ketchup, are there other abnormalities?" Jiang Lan asked.

    The answer was also no.

    Then they had no choice but to let it go. The few people put the matter aside for the time being and began to search for clues in the room as Tang Xinjue said on the phone.

    At nine o'clock, the dormitory was turned upside down, and in the end, only a bundle of large black garbage bags, two mops, two brooms, and some scattered cleaning supplies were found.

    The only text clue was the copy of "School Spirit and Rules" that had been torn into pieces. After putting it together, the original words could be vaguely seen:

    "Two points will be deducted for talking in the corridor, two points will be deducted for skirts that do not reach the knees, five points will be deducted for hiding a mobile phone, three points will be deducted for gathering in groups to chat..."

    "10 points will be deducted for leaving the dormitory building without approval, 15 points will be deducted for dating, and 20 points will be deducted for not complying with the requirements of the student union, dormitory management and teachers..."

    "For every 1 point deducted, a fine of 500 and confinement will be imposed for one day. If more than 5 points are deducted at one time, there will be a two-day fast... What kind of a lousy rule is this?"

    No. 3 started to curse as she read: "What kind of university is this? Is it a joint university for women's prisons? The students here are reform-through-labor prisoners? Or did they commit murder and set fire to the school leader’s houses and were sent to this shabby concentration camp?”

    In addition, the school discipline also revealed that there was no special garbage room in the dormitory building - students could not even go up and down the stairs freely. The garbage bags in the corridor could only be collected by the cleaner who came once a week.

    "Based on the amount of garbage in the dormitory, the cleaner should have not been here for at least half a month."

    When Jiang Lan read the message carefully, the dormitory door was pushed open, and the dusty corridor search team returned.

    No. 3 blurted out: "Did you go digging for coal?"

    "We were ambushed. It's hard to explain." No. 5 waved her hand and took out the four clues in her pocket: "These are the clues we found in the bathroom."

    These clues together basically correspond to the task levels currently shown in the exam, and preliminarily defined the outline of the exam.

    There were still two hours left before the inspection, so without further ado, everyone immediately started distributing cleaning tools and officially started cleaning.

    Seeing that Tang Xinjue and his companions had not returned for a long time, Guo Guo and Zheng Wanqing ran to the corridor to check worriedly and bumped into them.

    "How is the situation?"

    Tang Xinjue shook his head: "It's a bit tricky."

    The two of them took a breath.

    If even Tang Xinjue thought it was difficult, then the difficulty of the instance...

    Time did not allow them to think too much. They cleaned their beds first, and then went to their respective positions to start cleaning up the trash. It took half an hour just to put the the sundries and trash into the garbage bag.

    "If I were you, I would throw all the clothes in the desk, cupboard, and even the bed into the garbage bag."

    No. 3 twisted her wrist: "In my world view, they are all garbage."

    A Nian gasped. She threw the bathroom garbage into a big bag and pinched her nose tightly: "You can't say such depressing words, Ke Ke. The students living here cannot decide the rules and environment of the school. I believe that if they live in a normal dormitory, they will definitely not be so messy... They may also cherish these clothes."

    No. 3 smiled, packed the bag for her and threw it in the corridor: "We are living here now, aren't we students here?

    A Nian seriously retorted: "No, the exam introduction said that we were sent here to experience life."

    No. 3 didn't take it seriously. Instead, Jiang Lan, who was mopping the floor next to her, paused and seemed to think of something: "You are right, we are not students of this school in essence. This dormitory is full of traces of the original people’s life, and it is not our dormitory."

    "So, where did the original 16 students in this dormitory go?"

    She was standing still. As she was thinking about it, another mop suddenly appeared in sight. Tang Xinjue nodded to her: "I've already finished mopping the dormitory. Give me the mop. Let's move to the next task."

    Looking at the thin arms of the girl in front of her, Jiang Lan shook her head subconsciously: "No, the mop is too heavy and it will easily crush you. Let me do it."

    As soon as the words came out, Jiang Lan smiled a little, realizing that she had said something illogical under the drive of the first impression.

    Judging from how Tang Xinjue kicked the skeleton away, there was no way she was a weak girl who couldn't lift a mop. But the impression of being weak at first glance was inexplicably profound, and even affected her subconscious. When facing Tang Xinjue, she couldn't help but feel worried about helping the weak.

    Tang Xinjue smiled: "It doesn't matter. Once the information we see in our eyes becomes logical, we can easily become accustomed to it and ignore the other side of the information, right?"

    Jiang Lan handed over the mop and said in a hoarse voice: "Thinking traps. I try to think carefully, but I still fall into them. Exams often take advantage of our characteristics and set up death traps one after another."

    "So in order to prevent stepping into the trap, I often remain skeptical about everything."

    Tang Xinjue handed over a rag: "Whether it is explicit or implicit, whether it is a hint or a rule. Especially the scene you see with your own eyes. Facts have proved that most of the information given in the exam is often nonsense. The real danger lurks where it wants us to do."

    Jiang Lan was thoughtful.

    After a moment, she took the rag: "However, there are at least some things that I won't doubt. For example, my roommates and the teammates I have confirmed."

    She raised her head and stared at Tang Xinjue with her brown eyes: "Just like now, I believe in you, so I also believe in the information you gave. There is no need to doubt this."

    [You are all speaking in Chinese, but I can't understand a word.]

    Zheng Wanqing was wiping the cabinet while doubting her life in her mind.

    Guo Guo: [Da xiaojie, what do you know? This is called a battle between masters, and every move is fatal... Actually, I don't understand it either. Jue shen, round it off a bit, does Jiang Lan already understand what we mean?]

    Tang Xinjue: [She should have understood it, but we can't say it too clearly. After all, we can't confirm whether it is safe to talk in that environment, and there is no evidence. If Jiang Lan wants to know more, she will come to us.]

    Zhang You sighed slightly: [If I had reacted faster, I would have taken that photo in advance.]

    When they saw the black paper with red letters in the bathroom, they were both surprised for a moment. However, in the next second, the entire paper suddenly rotted rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, there was only a scorched black mass that was no different from the dirt on the wall, leaving no evidence.

    Tang Xinjue comforted: [The red letter is unclear, and even if you take a photo, it may not mean anything.]

    [They are all liars] - Who are the liars?

    Is it the school, health inspectors, impostors...or other students?

    [Don't stay here] - Where does this refer to?

    Is it the bathroom, dormitory building, school or the instance?

    More importantly, the identity of the person who wrote this sentence determines the stance and authenticity of this sentence.

    Tang Xinjue speculated: "I think it is highly likely that the person who left the message was a former student here."

    Only people who have actually lived here and been restricted by strict rules were more suitable for the characteristics of hiding blood text on the back of a celebrity poster.

    Zhang You added: [If this is the case, then the school is most likely the one she is accusing. Could the hygiene inspection actually be a scam?]

    Guo Guo shuddered: [Thank you, I have already imagined ten horror stories. If there's going to be a fight later, remember to remind me where you are so I can rush over.]

    After all, she was just a support, and she would definitely die if she was left alone.

    Tang Xinjue said with a smile: "Don't worry too much. If the truth can be revealed soon, or even face-to-face confrontation, it will be better than a long period of tug-of-war."

    Of course, there was the second half of the sentence she didn't say: her premonition about this exam just slid into the most difficult possibility.


    At 10:30, the cleaning was basically completed.

    "Classmate Zhang, let me help you get the mop."

    "Classmate Zhang, thank you for your hard work. I'll help you wash the rag."

    "Classmate Zhang, classmate Zhang, do you need to wash your coat? Then I'll wash your gloves."

    In just one and a half hours, the center of the entire dormitory suddenly fell on Zhang You. Even No. 3, who couldn't speak without sarcasm, was cheerful and diligent in delivering air freshener to Zhang You.

    It was because Zhang You's cleaning ability was so strong that her speed was faster than that of the others tied together. And the places she cleaned were obviously not at the same level of cleanliness as others.

    "Stack three chairs for me, and I'll wipe the fan and chandelier."

    Zhang You jumped down from the door, leaving everyone to marvel at the newly renovated dormitory door.

    "Is the chandelier too difficult and dangerous? Ruofei and I will help you hold it down." A Nian was very worried.

    "In comparison, I feel that the place where you two are is more dangerous." No. 3 complained ruthlessly.

    A Nian: qwq

    After piling up ten large garbage bags, everyone began to follow the cleaning rules and sort them out one by one.

    No garbage can be placed in the trash can, no sundries can be placed on the table, no toiletries can be placed in the bathing area... Finally, everything was finished at exactly 10:55.

    "I never want to clean again in my life."

    No. 5 and No. 6 helped each other to stand up and cheered up.

    Cleaning is only a prerequisite, the more important part was the hygiene inspection.

    As the minute hand moved little by little, everyone's hearts slowly rose.


    At 11 o'clock sharp, the corridor suddenly became dark.

    There were no figures, no sounds, no prompt.

    The corridor was still the same one that was blocked on all sides, with no stairs or any entrances and exits, and there was no sign of any change.

    Tang Xinjue frowned. Just as she was about to communicate with her roommates, there was a sudden buzz in her mind, followed by an indescribable sense of chaos, which menacingly enveloped her entire sea of ​​consciousness!



    "From today on, you will live here. The dormitory for 16 people is spacious and luxurious, and the cost is only twice as much. You students are really getting a great deal."

    "Graduation? Don't worry, our school is formal and guaranteed. As long as you pay the money, it will be no different from other universities."

    "The teaching building is still being renovated, and there are no classes for the time being. What textbooks do you need... The teacher in the medical office is on leave, please drink more hot water."

    "Go home? No, the school rules clearly state that you are not allowed to leave school except on special holidays. You are not allowed to contradict the teacher! You will be put in solitary confinement!"

    "The equipment in the cafeteria has been broken recently, so you will not be provided with meals according to the school's regulations. You can buy instant noodles at the school's special price."

    “Didn’t the cleaner come last month? No way, do you have no hands or feet, and you still have to rely on the cleaner to serve you?"

    "Did you see what happened to her? If the school finds out that you secretly use your mobile phone to contact your family, this will be your future."


    "Of course, don't worry, our school is a regular university with certificates. As long as you pay the money on time and stay for four years quietly, we guarantee that you will have both a diploma and academic qualifications, and you can find a job normally in society..."

    "...Wait, what is this? What is this?"

    The vague fog was slowly peeled away with a harsh cry. Tang Xinjue resisted the pain in her mind and mobilized her mental strength to remember these sudden piercing sounds and chaotic images.

    Finally, the picture gradually became clearer, and a dirty and smelly dormitory appeared in the "vision".

    Girls whose faces were unclear were screaming and crying, and middle-aged men and women in formal attire were panicking. Outside the bedroom door, thick black fog spread, gradually swallowing everything.

    They locked the door, but later realized that the dormitory they designed had no windows - it was a closed space without any exit, and it would be closed forever, with no chance of seeing the light of day again.

    Amid the horrifying roar, the image suddenly shrunk and disappeared. Tang Xinjue opened her eyes suddenly, sweat dripping down her palms.

    She was still standing in this dormitory, next to 15 girls who woke up one after another. There was no dark fog in the picture in my mind, and there was no figure of the hygiene inspectors.

    Only on the ground at the door of the dormitory was a solitary whiteboard, with three lines of words written in red pen on the board:

    Inspector: Student Union

    Inspection Result: Unqualified

    Punishment Result: Confinement for one day.

    "Look, the test information on the APP has changed!"

    Following Guo Guo's prompt, they saw an additional line below the original message on the phone screen:

    [You failed the hygiene inspection on the first day, and you are punished with confinement. But it doesn’t matter, accidents will always happen when experiencing life, and this will become an interesting and unforgettable memory in everyone’s study life.]

    [Today is your first day in dormitory 917]

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