Girls' Dormitory Escape - Chapter 80

Chapter 80: Surprise Hygiene Inspection

    "To be honest, since we are now experiencing the life of the original students in this dormitory, I think that the dangers that the original students experienced are likely to be faced by us as well."

    Jiang Lan pondered for a moment and expressed her thoughts.

    Everyone else agreed.

    Zhang You said: "I have a guess. Could the space we are in now be the [memory] of the students who originally lived here?"

    In the memories of the original students, the 9th floor was blocked and they could not get out. Because of the long-term hunger, they even forgot what the stairs looked like.

    ——At this moment, as far as everyone could see, there was only a sealed wall in the corridor, and there was no staircase to get out.

    No. 10 questioned: "But if it is a memory, why didn't the instructor and students show up?"

    Her roommate replied: "Is it because the original students were too scared, so they blurred these characters?"

    "If they don't show up, they are not dangerous. Hey, doesn't this contradict Jiang's point of view?"

    "Wait, do you think too highly of the original students? If they are kind enough to block the instructor for us, why don't they just let us out? On the contrary, I think that maybe everything is a conspiracy of the original students..."

    "That's right," said the loner No. 7 coldly, "I don't believe in kind NPCs, and even humans can't be easily trusted sometimes."

    And another person who was also alone, but was shot by the glare, Ou Ruofei: "...qwq"

    The topic began to shift to whether the original owner of the memory was the mastermind or the background board, and each insisted on his own opinion and argued endlessly.

    People who are not good at analysis, such as Zheng Wanqing and the sisters No. 5 and No. 6, have their eyes wide open and their temples are buzzing. Among those who are capable of analysis, only Tang Xinjue and Guo Guo did not participate in the discussion.

    Guo Guo's face turned pale, and she tried to remind everyone: "Doesn't anyone remember the ghosts of 919 and 921? Those were ghosts!"

    The other dormitory students looked at her in surprise: "Don't you have the Yin-Yang eyes? Why are you afraid of ghosts?"

    They remembered that Guo Guo was the only one besides Tang Xinjue who could see the scene in her memory, and she even repeated the appearance of the ghosts in detail. But she herself was afraid of ghosts?

    Guo Guo: "...Yin, Yin-Yang eyes can still be afraid of ghosts!"

    Superpowers are superpowers, emotions are emotions, and what she did is called separation of public and private!

    However, after Guo Guo's reminder, everyone did realize this.

    They needed to be wary of more than just the instructor.


    The previous inspection of the corridor was not continued after discovering that the other two dormitory doors were locked. Now everyone came here again and saw the gray and motionless dormitory door, which was inexplicably a little creepy.

    Zheng Wanqing pushed it directly and shook her head: "It's locked tightly and can't be pushed open."

    If they couldn't open the door, they naturally couldn't check the situation inside.

    "What if we smash the door or burn it?"

    No. 5 was eager to try.

    Keke was speechless: "Can you use your brains? Have you analyzed the pros and cons and consequences of destroying the instance? Which exam relies on violent demolition?"

    Zheng Wanqing really thought about it: "Our last exam."

    It's just that it wasn't a door that was demolished, but a house.

    Keke: "..."

    After a few minutes of discussion, they decided not to destroy it violently. Because the ghosts had not yet appeared, and they were not sure about their aggressiveness. If the door was opened and there were more than a dozen gloomy ghost heads waiting in line inside, it would be a bit embarrassing. They could only remember this matter and strengthened their vigilance.

    They measured the corridor again, but there was no other gain, so they were a little discouraged. In addition, their stomachs were rumbling, so Zhang You suggested: "Why don't we go back and rest and have lunch first."

    When they heard about lunch, the atmosphere suddenly became silent, and everyone's faces were a little complicated.

    Zhang You was stunned: "Aren't you hungry?"

    "Yes, I am." Jiang Lan smiled bitterly, "But another more serious problem is, what do we eat?"

    There were indeed two boxes of unopened instant noodles in 917, but they were local items from the dungeon, so they were a little disinclined to eat them.

    But other than that, they had no rations to fill their stomachs.

    The 606 dormitory looked at each other, and Zhang You was very surprised: "You don't bring food and supplies when you take the exam?"

    "...This is the first time we know that we need to bring supplies when we take the exam."

    After explanation, it turned out that the examination halls that other people had entered before were basically their own dormitories, and their outdoor experience was limited, and they also ignored the possibility of a long-term battle.

    "It doesn't matter."

    After exchanging glances with her roommates, Zhang You took out two large bags of biscuits from her pocket in full view of everyone: "We have them."

    The compressed biscuits were passed to each person in turn with a small cup of water, serving as lunch after a busy morning.

    The biscuits and water were provided by Zhang You. After the original large bag was divided into 16 portions, each person had a small piece in his hand. Jiang Lan's dormitory contributed a bag of seasoning, which could be put into water to make soup.

    Other dormitories did not prepare food in advance, and as the recipients of help, they felt very embarrassed and could only thank them repeatedly.

    After a few hours of cooperation, everyone's vigilance against each other has been reduced a lot. Before the game came, everyone was just an ordinary college student, and their precautions and vigilance were forced out by the exam.

    With the vigilance gone, the chatterbox opened.

    "In fact, when I first opened my eyes and saw so many beds full of people, I thought they were all NPCs, and I almost died on the spot."

    No. 11 was the most talkative of the four people in her dormitory. While nibbling on biscuits, she sighed: "I didn't expect that I would meet classmates from other schools in this way in my lifetime."

    College students from all over the world, who were originally unrelated, gathered in the same exam. Although they didn't know each other, they inexplicably felt a sense of intimacy as fellows in distress.

    "In fact, I almost cried with joy at the beginning. If I hadn't calmed down, my reaction might have been even more intense than classmate Ou's."

    No. 5 sighed and raised her small paper cup: "The game is dangerous, and the exam is not easy. We met because of fate, and we are friends because we eat together. I believe that if we work together, we will definitely pass the exam safely!"

    Ou Ruofei drank the soup in tears, and then coughed for a long time: "Ahem, although I don't have such powerful abilities as everyone else, but, ahem, I will definitely do the task seriously and not hold you all back."

    After a chat, everyone finally knew the reason why Ou Ruofei was alone.

    Her dormitory was originally a dormitory for four people, but one of her roommates moved out for internship, leaving only three people. On the day the game was launched, Ou Ruofei happened to be picking up a package on the first floor. She didn't dare to move in the dark, and hid under the express rack for two hours before she mustered up the courage. But when she pushed open the door of the dormitory on the last countdown, she saw the terrified expression of her roommate covered with black jelly, and two pools of black liquid left on the ground after disappearing.

    "I seemed to have fainted at the time. I don't know how the game judged it. I only know that when I opened my eyes again, I inexplicably entered some kind of assessment. It seemed that there was a male ghost whose face could not be seen clearly. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted that he had walked into the wrong female dormitory. Then another female ghost came, but after walking around, she muttered to herself that the number of people was wrong, and left again."

    Ou Ruofei looked melancholy: "Then the assessment was over, and I got 60 points, just passing."

    "Then what?"

    Everyone was curious.

    "Then, then it's now." Ou Ruofei said timidly: "I was alone, I didn't know anything and had no weapons, so I didn't dare to take the exam at all. Later, because I was too lonely and scared, I clicked on the exam, and then I came here."

    Everyone: "..."

    It turns out that this person basically came here as a salted fish*?

    *a slang referring to a person without a care in the world, does nothing and doesn’t want to move; a person without dreams

    To say she was unlucky, but she was very lucky to have been lying here until now.

    But if you say she was lucky, all her teammates went offline at the beginning, and she was left alone and helpless, which could be said to be very unlucky.

    Because of the lack of experience, no wonder she was so unguarded and almost got beaten by the wolf at the beginning.

    "I understand this. If I were alone in the dormitory, I would also think of escaping."

    Guo Guo felt the same way, and so did A-Nian. The timid people clinked their cups with each other, only to find that there was no soup in the cups.

    "Alas," Guo Guo sighed, "I feel that our lives are worse than those of the students in this fraudulent university."

    Tang Xinjue smiled, and after an unknown period of silence, she spoke for the first time: "At least we are still alive.

    "As long as we are still alive, there is hope for change. But things that have become a foregone conclusion cannot be changed."

    She could feel the emotions in her memory, not only fear, but also the sadness that ran through the entire memory.

    Especially when the black fog appeared, the strong reluctance and sadness.

    This was the dead's nostalgia for the human world, even if it is a memory of pain and torture, it was better than...

    A tingling burst out from her mind, and Tang Xinjue wiped the corner of her mouth imperceptibly and swallowed the fishy sweetness in her throat.

    Immersed in the perspective and emotions of ghosts, the loss to her was greater than she imagined. But because of this, she got some extra unknown information. Not only about this dungeon, but also about the entire game.

    [Xinjue, I feel like you have been particularly silent for the past two hours.]

    Zhang You tapped her lightly in her mind.

    Tang Xinjue lowered her eyes: [I am observing.]


    Time passed quickly, and after chatting with each other for a few words and communicating about the situation, the food was finished.

    Everyone packed up and left the dormitory again to check if there were any unusual changes.

    From the bathroom, the corridor, to the two closed dormitory doors, nothing changed as usual.

    However, just as they were going back, something unexpected happened -


    A scream suddenly rang out, and everyone was shocked. A fist shadow immediately appeared on Zheng Wanqing's broken arm, Zhang You took out the death account book, and sister No. 5 raised a toy gun... Everyone took out their weapons and jumped away to face the two doors as if they were facing a great enemy,

    But at the door of 919, a girl stood alone, her face pale and sweating.

    It was No. 13.

    They didn't have a deep impression of No. 13, or rather, they didn't have a deep impression of the entire dormitory consisting of No. 11, 12, 13 and 15. They only knew that No. 13 and No. 15 didn't talk much, just listened quietly.

    No. 11 and No. 12 were scared to death: "What's wrong with you? What happened?"

    No. 13 came to her senses and hurriedly ran towards the crowd, but after two steps, her legs went weak and she knelt down, her voice full of tears: "I was grabbed by the door!"

    "Did a ghost grab you?"

    "I don't know if it was a ghost, I didn't see it, I just knew that my back was facing the door, and then it was like a hand suddenly grabbed me..."

    No. 13 turned around incoherently, and on the back of her coat, a white handprint suddenly caught everyone's eyes.

    The size and shape of the handprint corresponded to a slender girl's palm.

    No. 15 walked over and helped her up. No. 13 grabbed No. 15's hand as if hugging a driftwood*, her lips trembling: "I, I won't die, right?"

    *I believe it means to hold onto a lifeline, as in when someone was drowning and a piece of driftwood came by

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