Live From the Murder Scene - Chapter 14

Chapter 14

    Qiong Cang's eyebrows frowned almost inaudibly. She intuitively felt that it would not be a good thing for a new character to appear at this time, and she was not used to dealing with family relationships.

    "Wang Dongyan." Ms. Wang roughly threw her handbag onto the sofa and walked over quickly with bare feet, her voice filled with undisguised anger, "What on earth are you going to do!"

    When she saw that she was outspoken, Qiong Cang felt much more at ease. When she scolded her, even the muscles on her shoulders relaxed.

    Ms. Wang rushed to her with a look of crazy excitement on her face. The scent of cosmetics spread along her movements, along with her stormy accusations.

    "Today, the school called me several times in a row. You have to be patient, Wang Dongyan. You skipped classes, got into fights, challenged the school leaders in public, and even slandered the school and caused panic on campus. What do you want to do? You want to make everyone's life miserable. It's better, isn't it!" Ms. Wang combed her bangs with her fingers, "I have worked hard to earn money to support you, what do I want from you? I just want you to go to school peacefully, is it difficult? Ah! It's very difficult. Is it difficult?! Can you please be considerate of me!"

    Qiong Cang took a step back without leaving a trace, maintaining a certain social distance from her, and said: "What I said was not a slander, but a fact. They couldn't refute me, so they came to you."

    "You still think you are not wrong? How many things have you done since you entered your senior year in high school? Are you done with it? Can you restrain yourself?" Ms. Wang said hysterically, "Do you know that because of your classmate's incident, what kind of looks do I have to endure in my workplace! Are you still making trouble, do you want others to have something to say about you?"

    Qiong Cang: "Zhou Nansong didn't die because of me, I just want to prove it. It was the school's deliberate guidance from beginning to end."

    Ms. Wang: "What do you prove? You don't need to prove anything, you just need to study! You can't convince everyone at all. The more you act, the more they will think that you have no empathy and that you are shirking responsibility. Can you just let things go well?"

    Qiong Cang looked at her in a daze. After a brief silence, she lowered her head and pursed her lips, thinking about her words: "Why? There is a serious scandal in the school, and Zhou Nansong died because she knew the truth.If I don't care, it will pass. If no one stops them, those people will continue."

    Ms. Wang roared twice as if she was crying and laughing, and then said: "So what if it is? Do you have evidence? Without evidence, it can only be called a frame-up! The leaders in the school are all old men. If you fight with them, do you think you can get benefits?"

    Qiong Cang: "What I want is the truth, not the benefits."

    "How do you want to get the truth? Do you want to go to court with them? Do you still want to go to school?" Ms. Wang's chest heaved violently, and she pointed her arm hard to one side. "Go out and ask the people on the street. Will they believe those cultural people who seem to be sanctimonious, or will they believe you who has a history of violence?"

    Qiong Cang tried her best to calm her down and said clearly: "I am not violent, you should believe me."

    "Is it useful if I believe you! I'm very tired now!" Ms. Wang couldn't listen at all and interrupted her almost before she finished speaking. She raised a finger and waved it in front of Qiong Cang: "You still have one month, one month! If the school wants to punish you, let alone one month, they can ruin you for life in one day! Which school will be in the future? Would they dare want you? Can you stop being so naive!"

    "Naive?" Qiong Cang also said amusedly, "Even those who are not naive will not remain calm if they know that they are abusing their power in the school and sexually assaulting poor students."

    Ms. Wang's explosive emotions were choked off, her eyelids blinked rapidly, and she stared at Qiong Cang inquiringly. After confirming that she was not joking, she swallowed subconsciously.

    "It's not just one." Qiong Cang said word by word, "It's multiple victims, long-term, group, extremely bad sexual assault."

    Ms. Wang felt as if most of her strength had been drained away, and fatigue came over her instantly. She turned around in confusion, then raised her hand to mess up her hair.

    She didn't think for long. In other words, her long-term life experience has given her the best answer right away. It was just her inner sense of social morality that gave her a little hesitation.

    Ms. Wang faced Wang Dongyan again and said seriously: "There are so many people involved in the case, why don't those people come forward and speak out themselves? Because they don't want this matter to be exposed. Do you think they will thank you if you do such a thing?? They will hate you! Do you understand that you are being pretentious!"

    Qiong Cang: "I don't know if they will be grateful, but those who have not been harmed must not want to face such a thing in the future."

    The conversation between the two became slow. Ms. Wang needs to think before she can say the next sentence,

    After a while, Ms. Wang asked: "How do you know?"

    Qiong Cang didn't seem to hear clearly: "What did you say?"

    Ms. Wang's tone became firm, as if she had convinced herself. She said: "Do you know how terrible the disease of poverty is? Those people have money and power, but if there is a leak between their fingernails, it is something that others will never be able to work out in their lifetime. How do you know they are unwilling? They will still have this problem after entering society. The rules will only be crueler and more ruthless than this. No effort will be rewarded."

    As she spoke, she became more and more determined and her voice became louder: "You are naive, you don't understand. Without such opportunities, how can they be sent to college? How can they live? How can they study? How can they have such a bright future?? Even if you put the conditions in front of them and let them choose, they may not make such a choice."

    Because it was too ridiculous, Qiong Cang actually laughed: "What did you say?"

    Ms. Wang pointed to her chest and said: "What I say sounds ugly, but what I say is reality! I am definitely not the only one who thinks this way, and I am definitely not a minority! Don't meddle in other people's business and listen to me. "

    "Really?" Qiong Cang lowered his head and chuckled, the laughter was extremely sarcastic, and said, "Adults who have experienced hardships will like to put their self-righteous principles of life on young people, and watch the originally sunny and positive people become like you. Just as lifeless and then feel proud and complacent from it?”

    Ms. Wang: "So you are proud? You are proud because you do not understand society! You are innocent in your bones!"

    Qiong Cang asked: "Does maturity represent indifference? Does reality represent correctness? What have humans been fighting for in such a long history of survival? Isn't it to assimilate each other and then sink together? In your eyes, is there only luck? Only those who deserve to live?”

    Qiong Cang shook her head, feeling that she could no longer stay in this place, so she lifted her backpack up and passed through it from the side.

    "It seems we couldn’t communicate. I'm leaving."

    "If you leave, don't come back!" Ms. Wang choked and shouted, "Don't threaten me, I tell you, Wang Dongyan, you are just a high school student, this is none of your business, you don't want to get into such muddy water! You don't want to go out and talk nonsense! Wang Dongyan!"

    Qiong Cang didn't even look back, and the only answer she received was a heavy and crisp sound of the door closing. Through the door panel, Ms. Wang's screams and wailing sounds could be faintly heard from inside. Qiong Cang closed her eyes.

    When she walked to the street, Qiong Cang glanced at the suicide progress, and a bright red 99% hung in her sight.

    ...Thank you for leaving a percent for her. That's very kind of you.

    Qiong Cang raised her hand and wiped her face vigorously. This time, she really felt a sense of urgency like a terminally ill patient.

    After witnessing the quarrel just now, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room became more solemn, and there were even fewer people making jokes.

    They could accuse Wang Dongyan's mother of being selfish, but after seeing so many [Analysis of Murder Cases], they also know that most people are not that great. In many cases, strongly blaming someone cannot actually change the outcome, because the social environment was wrong from the beginning.

    "I've never seen such an expression on the boss's part."

    "The people closest to you are the ones who are hurt the most. It accidentally reached 99%, and the rest is probably a matter of a single thought. The system has been very cruel this time."

    "Is there no murderer in suicide cases? I think there is, and the murderer is more frightening than ordinary cases, because most people don't feel that they are at fault."

    "How many people with ideals are frustrated by reality? And how many realities are just the self-righteousness of mature people?"

    "But you have to admit that what she said is a voice that is prevalent in society. It is not uncommon for good people to not be rewarded."

    "People who have experienced misfortune will be more afraid of trouble, failure, and trouble. Life is full of different situations."


    Qiong Cang first went to a nearby hardware store to buy a small shovel, put it in her bag, and took the car to school.

    By the time she returned to school, the sky was already gray. Qiong Cang held a flashlight and went to the open space in the dormitory building that Zhou Nansong mentioned, looking for the evidence she had buried.

    When Zhou Nansong buried the photo, it was in March, but now it was May.

    Qiong Cang looked at the indistinguishable wasteland in front of him, rubbed her neck and muttered: "This was a big project..."

    Qiong Cang was prepared to stay up late at work, but was still a little scared. Worried about insufficient power, she brought three flashlights and two large boxes of storage batteries.

    She set up the flashlight on the side, grabbed a small shovel, and dug holes everywhere.

    This area was sparsely populated and was separated from the dormitory building by a smelly ditch. Usually no students come here, but it was indeed a very safe place.

    Qiong Cang didn't know how deep Zhou Nansong dug, but only guessed that her mental state at the time might dig a big hole. So she turned over the soil carefully.

    The night finally fell.

    The clouds were very heavy today, and the moon was covered by clouds, unable to cast any light.

    The wasteland was empty and quiet. Looking up, one can see the mountains in the distance forming a black shadow, quietly occupying the horizon.

    The night wind kept passing between the shadows of the trees, accompanied by the sound of cicadas.

    The light color of the flashlight slowly changed from bright to dark, and after changing the battery, it changed from dark to bright again.

    When the time on the phone skipped past midnight, Qiong Cang finally dug up a relatively new iron box.

    Breathing heavily, she sat down on the dirt and unwrapped the box regardless of her image.

    A used digital camera was placed in the iron box, with its memory card and battery next to it. There was even a power bank thoughtfully placed.

    Qiong Cang put the things back together, tried it, and found that the remaining power was enough to turn on the camera.

    After searching for so long, Qiong Cang was undoubtedly excited to finally find this thing. She clicked on the photo album and opened it one by one.

    There was only a series of mosaics on the screen in the live broadcast room, but the original photos could be seen by Qiong Cang.

    In the photo, there were various intertwined bodies, and the girls' faces were clearly photographed. Some people were obviously blurred and confused, while others were awake but in pain.

    And none of the men inside showed anything above their necks.

    It's one thing to be mentally prepared, but it's another thing to see it with your own eyes.

    Qiong Cang was shocked by this straightforward picture, her pupils trembled, and her breathing became heavy.

    She licked her lips, forced herself to remain calm, and hunched her back to let herself see more clearly.

    Judging from the moles, obesity, bones, and other obvious features on the man's body, there should be more than five people involved. Judging from the image format, it should be taken from different devices.

    It seems that they are still communicating with each other internally. Maybe through a chat group or something else. Such exchanges with fellow enthusiasts can make them feel excited.

    After people continue to commit crimes, they would indeed become more and more bold until they become completely crazy.

    The entertainment threshold of this group of people had been raised to a terrifying level. In order to pursue excitement, they would seek new methods. If they were allowed to develop, it would only lead to more irreparable consequences.

    Qiong Cang listened to her heartbeat beating violently in her chest, and her unnaturally trembling hands clicked on the next photo regularly. When she turned to the middle, she saw Xu Manyan, as expected.

    The young, beautiful, and somewhat powerful girl at first glance looks completely different in the photo.

    This was the only person Qiong Cang was familiar with in the game. She felt very sad.

    She was too absorbed in looking at Qiong Cang, and the surrounding muddy ground with short grass could reduce the sound of people's footsteps. When her peripheral vision noticed a dark shadow in the light of the flashlight, the other party was already close at hand.

    Qiong Cang's whole body trembled with trembling. She immediately put the camera in her arms, then quickly turned around, and was knocked off the back of her head with a stick.


    Qiong Cang groaned and covered the injury with one hand, while the other hand was still holding the camera tightly.

    She squinted her eyes and looked at the sudden black figure through the physiological tears caused by the pain.

    The dim light of the flashlight illuminated the other person's pale face, and all kinds of complex emotions were condensed in the other person's eyes, turning into a stream of cold water flowing down.

    "Xiang Qingxi..." Qiong Cang gritted her teeth and said, "Are you crazy?"

    "Give me the thing." Xiang Qingxi cried even more pitifully than she did, pleading, "Dongyan, give me the thing!"

    Qiong Cang said: "You are wrong!"

    Xiang Qingxi dropped the stick and came over to grab what was in her hand.

    "Why are you still investigating? We agreed that this matter is over. Many people will die if you do this!" Xiang Qingxi burst out with a huge force, pulled her fingers apart, and fought with her hard. "I beg you, I beg you. Give it to me!"

    "If you escape, no matter how many years it takes, fear will chase you." Qiong Cang looked at her deeply and shouted with indescribable emotions, "Responsibility is sometimes a shackle, but also a kind of salvation. If you don’t pick it up, you won't be able to let it go for the rest of your life. Why can't you be brave now? Why can't you be brave!"

    Xiang Qingxi roared: "What's the point of being brave! The first person to die won't be them, it's Yanzi! It's Yanzi, believe it or not! She paid for everything, she has no future! Do you know? She does this all to help me! Please let her go!"

    Qiong Cang: "You are not helping her, and I am not trying to harm her. You need to think longer term!"

    "Ah - stop talking!" Xiang Qingxi screamed, holding Qiong Cang's head and pushing her to the side.

    The small shovel bought by Qiong Cang was placed nearby, and because she had no strength, she bumped into it directly. Fortunately, the shovel was not sharp to begin with. After she had dug for so long, it was dulled by the dirt.

    At this time Qiong Cang could no longer feel the pain, but could feel liquid sliding down her forehead.

    Xiang Qingxi didn't notice her situation and took the opportunity to snatch the camera back.

    "I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Xiang Qingxi mumbled, holding the thing into her arms, and stepped back step by step, "I'm sorry… Dongyan… forget it!"

    Qiong Cang opened her eyelids and watched the other party flee in a hurry in her blurred vision.

    That back figure overlapped with the scene in her memory, and darkness descended again. Qiong Cang held her head with violently trembling hands, and let out several painful moans from her throat.

    After a long time, Qiong Cang softened a little, and she broke away from the sweat all over her body.

    She adjusted her posture and lay on the ground, falling into a long state of daze. Suddenly, she remembered something, touched the phone on the ground, found the pinned contact, and dialed it.


    Electronic sounds were particularly clear in the dark.

    In less than three beeps, the other party had already picked up.


    The energetic male voice instantly dispels the chill in the dark night.

    The light in Qiong Cang's eyes jumped and she murmured: "He Jueyun..."

    There was an obvious pause on He Jueyun's side, and then he said, "Why did you call me by my real name? Fortunately, the game can block it, right?"

    Qiong Cang usually doesn't make phone calls, and her contact information was always text messages.

    He Jueyun amplified her voice and heard only a soft breathing and the sound of wind coming from the microphone.

    He Jueyun slowed down his voice and asked, "Where are you?"

    Qiong Cang coughed before saying, "School."

    He Jueyun quickly put on his clothes, took the keys, and ran out of the room. He still asked softly: "Where is the school?"

    Qiong Cang replied obediently: "The open space behind the dormitory."

    He Jueyun: "I'll come over now. How are you?"

    "It's pretty good." Qiong Cang's voice was muffled, "I'm just tired."

    He Jueyun started the engine and said, "I'm here now. Wait for me for ten minutes...five minutes is enough. You can talk whatever you want… you can tell jokes. I'll sacrifice (myself)."

    He didn't ask Qiong Cang what happened, nor did he hang up the phone. He just put the phone on the shelf beside him and drove over quickly, acting patiently and gentle.

    Qiong Cang didn't say anything anymore. She looked at the green sign on the screen indicating that the call was connected. She felt inexplicably relieved when she heard the repeating noise. She laid on her arms and closed her eyes to rest.


    He Jueyun climbed over the wall and rushed all the way to the back hill, performing the best long-distance running and obstacle crossing performance in his life.

    Several of the street lights in No. 1 Middle School were broken, and the light was cut off near the back mountain. There was no light source in the depths. The wild grass on both sides of the road grew up to half a meter high, swaying indistinctly and undulating.

    He Jueyun had no time to pay attention to the scenery. Because he was running so fast, his own rapid breathing could be heard in his ears, even covering up all the wind and insects in the night.

    When he finally got close to the location displayed on his phone, he unexpectedly saw a dark figure curled up on the ground.

    "Wang Dongyan?" He Jueyun held his breath, squatted down beside her, and called her name in a low voice, "Wang Dongyan?"

    He gently put his hand on the other person's shoulder, trying to check on the other person's condition.

    The black shadow moved, then climbed up, and pressed the button in her hand to light up the screen of the phone.

    The light blue light of the mobile phone shone upward from her chin, making her already pale face even more bloodless. The hair on her forehead was mushy with blood, and a red stain that had not dried up slowly flowed from the wound. Come down.

    Even if He Jueyun was the successor of socialism and the bearer of the scientific torch, he still trembled involuntarily when he saw this scene.

    Qiong Cang let out a long breath: "It scared me to death."

    He Jueyun: "..."

    Fuck - what qualifications do you have to say such a thing?!

    Qiong Cang continued: "There was just a person who suddenly appeared in the night."

    He Jueyun's expression gradually became ferocious.

    Qiong Cang made a gesture: "They just hit me on the head."

    He Jueyun: "Oh."

    Qiong Cang said sadly: "Ouch."

    He Jueyun: "..."

    He Jueyun patted the dirt on her body, checked her hands and feet, and asked, "Are your feet injured?"

    Qiong Cang said pitifully: "No."

    "Then what are you doing lying here all the time?" He Jueyun shouted, "Sucking moisture in the wilderness in the middle of the night? Can you lie down in this place?"

    "I was scared to death and my legs were weak. It's too dark here and I didn't dare to walk."

    Qiong Cang said it very seriously, but just by matching her tone and expression, people would always think she was joking.

    However, Qiong Cang complained to himself: "It's like a dream. Even after waking up for a long time, I still dare not move."

    He Jueyun was so choked by her that she couldn't utter a word. He originally wanted to say something sarcastic, but when he saw the somewhat sad eyes in the hollow sky, all his voices disappeared.

    "Sit with me for a while." Qiong Cang said, "Let me sort it out first."

    He Jueyun then sat down on the edge, waiting for Qiong Cang's brain to resume functioning. When he finished playing a game, he found that the person beside him had always maintained the same posture as before.

    The whole person was very quiet, or rather numb, staring blankly at one place, not knowing what she was thinking.

    He Jueyun had never seen such an expression on her face. He felt that Qiong Cang should be an invincible person. Everything was under her control.

    He Jueyun touched her with his shoulder and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

    Qiong Cang responded slowly: "Well... the evidence was taken away."

    "Yeah." He Jueyun turned sideways, pushed back the broken hair on her forehead, and said, "It's okay. Isn't that the police officer's job in the first place? What are you thinking about?"

    Qiong Cang raised her eyelids and looked at him.

    After a while, He Jueyun said again: "Get up. I'll take you to the hospital first."

    Qiong Cang: "I..."

    He Jueyun bent down: "I’ll carry you, carry you, come up. You shouldn’t fail to meet the conditions for suicide but die due to wound infection first."

    Qiong Cang reluctantly said: "Okay then."

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3 تعليقات

  1. You know sadly that was what happened in the Rl case. After the school was closed down after police investigation, many of the girls who lost their scholarship got angry and blamed the person who revealed the truth.

    1. Oh I did not know that.. That's really sad. The author was probably inspired by that case


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