Girls' Dormitory Escape - Chapter 70

Chapter 70: Road Trip Tips

    "Some marks"?

    Tang Xinjue immediately thought of what Xiaohong had said.

    [This is a mark from a high level, which means someone remembers you. ]

    If they both mean the same thing...why did it change from "a" to "some" now?

    Before she could ask more questions, the counselor manipulated Guo Guo's hand upwards, and Tang Xinjue's eyes suddenly went dark.

    Opening her eyes and looking around in the darkness, she had returned to the [Cave].

    "Take a good look, what do you see?"

    The Counselor's voice suddenly sounded from outside the narrow hole.

    This time there was no interference from outside forces. Tang Xinjue gathered her energy easily. When she looked up again, she realized something was different.

    The cave was not really empty. The darkness in front of her was actually layers of floating and lingering black mist!

    For some reason, the black mist gave her a familiar cold feeling, but it did not attack her, but floated quietly in place.

    This time, Tang Xinjue concentrated her attention without any guidance and stretched out her "hand" to wave away the fog in front of her.

    The mist dispersed slightly, revealing a few things inside.

    A small glass bottle hung in the air. Next to the glass bottle was a silver ring. The ring exuded a turbid yellow halo... Looking closer, Tang Xinjue realized that it was not light, but a yellow floating eyeball, spinning behind the ring.

    What was floating under the eyeball was a ring-shaped white unknown object. She had to get closer before she recognized it as a roll of white tape.

    These items were hidden in the black mist, and even if she noticed something unusual, it was difficult to find them.

    Tang Xinjue vaguely understood what this [cave] was...but what was more important was what was in front of her.

    When she stretched out her hand to touch it, she felt an invisible resistance blocking her body, and the black mist had a tendency to close again.

    "You want to take them out?" the counselor asked outside.

    Tang Xinjue frowned: "It's difficult."

    Counselor: "That's right."

    As soon as she finished speaking, a force pulled her up. Tang Xinjue opened her eyes, and the familiar dormitory appeared in front of her again.

    Her roommates were looking at her with wide eyes.

    On the other side, the counselor sat upright: "What you see are all the marks you get."

    Tang Xinjue pondered for two seconds: "I saw a total of four." - It can indeed be described as "some".

    "I've been warned about it before, but at that time, it just said I had a mark on my body."

    "Someone has reminded me before, but at that time, it only said that there was a mark on my body."

    There were two possibilities. One was that Xiaohong could only sense the existence of the mark and couldn’t see clearly how many; the other possibility was that the remaining marks were added after meeting Xiao Hong.

    The counselor nodded: "What you guessed makes sense. There are some bad students from a university, or not-so-decent outsiders, who will leave marks on freshmen for various reasons. But the probability is very small, because you also need to pay a price to leave marks. As for having so many marks on your body..."

    The counselor carefully considered his words and said gently: "It is indeed rare. It shows that you are a student with high potential."

    "Why would they leave marks on me?"

    "Generally speaking, it's to seek revenge."


    Was this what was called "potential"?

    The counselor said gently and cheerfully: "The visit time is limited. You can ask one last question about the marks."

    Tang Xinjue lowered her eyes and thought for a moment. Instead of asking how to clear the marks, she said: "These marks, as well as the counselor's mistake of thinking that I am a dark creature, was this one of the reasons for the bug that affects the difficulty of our exam?"

    The counselor's smile froze.

    It was clear that she didn't want to answer the question about her mistake.

    But after the words were spoken, she could only cough lightly: "The exam is fair. I can't answer you about its screening rules. It's just that sometimes, excessive fairness can also lead to some omissions... When it thinks that your abilities are sufficient, it will relax the restrictions on difficulty, but at the same time it will make it easier for some people with ulterior motives to take advantage of the situation."

    The counselor did not finish her words and showed a knowing expression.

    Tang Xinjue smiled and nodded: "For example?"

    The counselor: "..."

    She had to elaborate: "Simply put, if even the counselor will mistake you for a dark creature, then the system will naturally be confused occasionally of the difference between you and bad students. If the examination system determines that the candidates are similar to bad students, the difficulty you will face will increase."

    Tang Xinjue said thoughtfully: "I originally thought of a personal reason that the counselor admitted your mistake. Because there are no ghosts in the instance... so you misidentified me as a bad student."

    Counselor: "..."

    She wiped away the non-existent sweat and said, "Well, I made my position clear during the exam, but the current situation is special.”

    With the next sentence, Tang Xinjue turned the topic back to the main thread: "So, it was me who affected the system's judgment?"

    The counselor nodded: "Classmate Tang, I regret having to say this. The stronger your ability, the more mixed your aura, and the greater the probability of causing confusion in the system... This is likely to become a vicious cycle."

    The black fog represents the atmosphere of darkness, and the objects in the fog represent the marks of ghosts. These two auras were intertwined in her sea of consciousness, but only her human aura was thin.

    Why was this happening?

    Tang Xinjue had a guess in her mind, but she didn't express it in words. She and her roommates looked at each other and asked the counselor together: "Is there any solution?"

    "This visit was just to collect information, and we haven’t prepared a solution."

    The counselor spread her hands very humanely, as if she was really just an ordinary counselor——if there was no huge red eyeball standing still outside the door and this action did not come from Guo Guo’s body.

    The next second she changed the topic: "Of course, out of humanitarian guilt for accidentally injuring classmate Tang, I decided to give you a gift."

    She opened her palm and lightly tapped Tang Xinjue's eyebrows.

    "This is my encouragement. When you turn it on, other auras will be temporarily covered. When you turn it off, it will return to its original state."

    After saying that, she took back her hand with a smile, as if she was waiting for something.

    Zhang You and Zheng Wanqing immediately realized that the counselor might be waiting for them to express their gratitude.

    However, before they could speak, Tang Xinjue suddenly swayed and fell to the side!


    The two people exclaimed and supported her. The counselor who was attached to Guo Guo was so frightened that she clasped her hands and stretched her head out: "My, my encouragement won't cause harm to the students ah?"

    Beside the bed ladder, Tang Xinjue held her temples. Her skin that was always pale all year round looks like it was upgraded from malnourished to seriously ill as long as she pressed her lips hard.

    The calmness and energy she had just now were gone, and now she was in an extremely weak state.

    Tang Xinjue coughed twice and spoke softly: "There is nothing wrong with my body. It's just that when I met the counselor, I couldn't help but recall the pain of being just one step away from death. To be honest, I have been timid and easily frightened since I was a child. Once frightened, it is easy to leave sequelae, such as delusions of victimization, weakness of limbs, impaired IQ… auditory and visual hallucinations, subconscious disorders, etc."

    She covered her heart with lingering fear on her face.

    Counselor: "Yes, I'm sorry, I was just impulsive. So as compensation, I gave [Encouragement] to you..."

    Tang Xinjue shook her head and forced a smile: "No, we are lucky enough to have counselors who come to visit us diligently and proactively find solutions to systemic problems. Even if we are accidentally killed, it is just out of your concern. How can we complain instead? I will work hard to overcome the psychological shadow in the next exam. After all, my roommate is a psychology major and can help with it. "

    She pointed at Zheng Wanqing weakly.

    Zheng Wanqing looked confused: "What are you talking about, but I majored in finance, not psychology?"

    "Ah, how could it be like this..." Tang Xinjue covered her face and sighed, "Oh, this is my life, right?"

    Roommate: "..."

    Counselor: "..."

    Without waiting for others to respond, she spoke quickly: "But it doesn't matter, there are always more ways than difficulties. In order to survive, I can also take risks and find help in the dungeon. Maybe other well-informed classmates and teachers may have similar experiences and they may be able to help me—"

    The counselor took a breath and quickly stopped her, "Don't go out and say it!"

    She forced out a friendly smile and said, "If you have a problem, let’s solve it together... Look, what else do you need?"

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