Girls' Dormitory Escape - Chapter 69

Chapter 69: Road Trip Tips

    Tang Xinjue: "???"

    Dark creature? Who are you scolding?

    The sound made her mind buzz, and a fishy heat surged into her throat. She opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

    The blood-red eyes were still staring at her coldly, and the voice sounded again:

    "You can even disguise the reaction of the human body. There is no record of you among the registered dark creatures. Did you mutate independently, or was there someone secretly helping you?"

    Tang Xinjue couldn't speak, and blood flowed from her nostrils again. The indescribable voice seems to be engraved directly in her mind. Every word made her have a splitting headache and her mental strength was almost broken.

    She resisted falling down, pulled out the toilet plunger and put it on the ground to support her body, focusing all her attention on concentrating her mental strength. The toilet plunger seemed to sense her pain and anxiously spat out a mouthful of water.

    A trace of surprise flashed through its red eyes: "Even the superpower has been faked. It's a rare object-type superpower."

    Tang Xinjue: "..."

    The mental power was finally condensed with difficulty, and the skills were triggered:

    [Mental control: Enhance immunity to mental attacks, which is also the basis of self-control. ]

    The pain subsided and her throat was ventilated. She finally spoke in a hoarse voice: "I am not a dark creature, I am a human being..."


    The intense pressure came again, and Tang Xinjue spurted out another mouthful of blood. This time, even her ribs seemed to be broken, and the hand holding the toilet plunger turned white in pain.


    There were footsteps and scraping sounds outside the door.

    This unknown creature that always lingers in the corridor would never come near the door after 12 o'clock at night, but this time it paced around the door of 606, making a harsh scratching sound.


    The red eyeballs turned slightly, and the black pupils the size of basketballs turned towards the dorm door.

    "Can the disguise of dark creatures deceive the guardian?"

    This was quite surprising.

    Tang Xinjue twitched the corner of her mouth weakly: "Have you never thought of another possibility… Counselor?"

    "What did you say?"

    The Eyeball immediately turned back, and it was pressed against the balcony window. The outside of the pupils were thick scarlet. Viewed from the front, they could fill the entire human field of vision, bringing an almost suffocating sensory impact.

    But Tang Xinjue couldn't see clearly anymore, and a thin blood spread in front of her eyes.

    She used her last strength to take out her phone and stick it to the window. The screen interface was her personal information bar.

    The red eyeball paused.

    Its pupil stared at the phone screen for two seconds, then looked at Tang Xinjue, then at the screen...

    Then there was silence for a few seconds, "Come closer."

    Tang Xinjue simply let her body fall down, her forehead pressed against the glass window, with only a thin glass between her and the Eyeball.

    Her blood slowly slid down the glass, as if being sucked by some force to penetrate the glass and fall onto the surface of the Eyeball.


    Eyeball: "I’m screwed*, I admit my mistake!"

    *完蛋, means things have reached a point of no return. Often used as an exclamation when someone’s in a panic over a horrible mistake

    The sound that was vibrating in her mind suddenly disappeared. A soft force fell on her body, and the pain quickly faded away. Within a few seconds, Tang Xinjue, who had fully recovered her strength, stood up again and wiped the blood from her face with her hands.

    Its eyeballs flickered in guilt. Tang Xinjue felt a chill on her face, and the blood stains disappeared.

    It was as if everything that had just happened was an illusion.

    She could faintly feel that the Eyeball was no longer aggressive and just stayed quietly outside the window. This scene suddenly reminded her of the huge yellow eyes that appeared on the balcony the first night the game came.

    That eyeball was similar to the one in front of me, but it was not the same one.

    Suppressing her thoughts, Tang Xinjue did not ask why the other party admitted its mistake, but directly said: "Are you the visiting Counselor?"

    The red eyeball didn't answer, but lightly hit the window.

    Tang Xinjue subtly understood what the other party meant. When its sound appeared in the brain, it would bring pain and damage at the same time, so he remained silent.

    "Then I'll wake up my roommate first."

    The eyeballs move up and down, as if nodding.

    Tang Xinjue also nodded, then raised the toilet plunger and used it. The next moment, a shrill scream, like a group of ghosts having their throats trampled, went straight to the roof.


    The three roommates, who were weakly lying down, sat up in shock* and looked down with their hairs like a chicken coop:

    *垂死病中惊坐起; sitting up in shock while dying of illness. The sentence comes from an ancient poem/text, I think. The whole poem has the meaning of someone in a desolate situation being shocked over a devastating news, so shocked that they sat up when they were so critically ill.

    "Xinjue, what are you doing… F*ck???"

    Guo Guo covered her heart and burst out with a scream that was even more pitiful than a toilet plunger’s.

    "Help! There's a monster attacking at night!"

    Zheng Wanqing used her "fist as big as a hammer", Zhang You picked up the account book, and the three of them jumped out of bed one after another as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

    Tang Xinjue: "Let me introduce, this is -"

    Zhang You frowned: "I know, it's just strange that dark creatures can attack human dormitories at night?"

    Big eyeball: "..."

    It slowly turned its pupils and finally locked on the trembling Guo Guo.

    Guo Guo backed away in fear: "Is it looking at me?"

    Just as she was about to take out the protective amulet, her body suddenly shook and the protective amulet fell to the ground. When she looked up again, her whole temperament had changed drastically:

    "I'm your counselor."

    The voice clearly came from Guo Guo's mouth, but it was not her voice. Instead, it was more like the timbre of a middle-aged woman.

    Tang Xinjue: "Are you possessing Guo Guo?"

    "Guo Guo" nodded: "It is difficult to communicate directly. I will use this classmate's special physique to communicate with you. It will not affect her. Sorry to trouble you."

    She was polite and gentle when she spoke, and she looked like she wasn’t about to kill Tang Xinjue in just a few minutes.

    But when her eyes glanced at Tang Xinjue, she skipped over without leaving any trace, showing a little guilt.

    Zhang You and Zheng Wanqing were shocked: "Are you the counselor?"

    Their counselor was just… a big eyeball?!

    The counselor explained unhurriedly: "It's not convenient for me to come here in my original form, so I only used part of it and chose an image that is more acceptable to you."

    Everyone: "...we can't accept it!"

    After the shock, they got down to business. The counselor got straight to the point and told the purpose of her visit. As expected, it was because of Tang Xinjue's report.

    "This is a very rare situation. Although the possibility of a system bug is not ruled out, it happened twice in a row in a short period of time. So I came to visit in person to find out more reasons."

    "Guo Guo" put her hands together, her eyebrows slightly condensed, and a serious and mature look appeared on the face of a young girl.

    Everyone didn't know what to say for a moment.

    Tang Xinjue broke the silence: "Do you need our cooperation to answer questions?"

    "No." The counselor shook her head. She raised Guo Guo's face and looked at Tang Xinjue with deep eyes. "I think I already understand the reason."


    "I'm sorry, I just mistook this classmate for a dark creature and almost killed you."

    After sitting down, the counselor first apologized to Tang Xinjue.

    Roommates: "!!!"

    Just when they were sleeping soundly and unaware of anything, Tang Xinjue was almost killed by the counselor?

    Tang Xinjue's expression did not change: "The counselor will not admit her mistakes for no reason. There must be a reason."

    From this point of view, at least the counselor and the student were not in a hostile relationship, and they would even help the student eliminate danger - it was just that the wrong person was eliminated.

    The counselor sighed: "The dark aura on your body is relatively strong, far beyond the threshold of a normal student. In addition, there are some… marks of bad students at the same time, which made me mistakenly think that your own human aura is disguised."

    Tang Xinjue memorized what the other party said one by one. Her thoughts turned and fell on one word, and her eyes slightly raised:



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