Girls' Dormitory Escape - Chapter 90

Chapter 90: Surprise Hygiene Inspection

    The boy ghost tried to play dumb: “I can't understand what you're saying.”

    Tang Xinjue: “Then I'll say more - the body is rotting fast, but the clothes are new, and the black liquid should have rubbed off on the space outside the cracked hole. That space can accommodate many adult bodies traveling to and from their peers, and judging from the size and the way they move, it should be a corridor.

    “And in this corridor, students like us once appeared, but you killed them and replaced them. Presumably, it was through this that you found a way out of your native environment and found your way to our side without incident.

    “It's just a pity that you guys don't have much skill or guts, even if you had a part of the information in advance, you only dared to come over and impersonate the dormitory manager to stage a sneak attack. And after realizing that the ghost belonging to the female dormitory had awakened, you were so cowardly that you immediately ran away and hunkered down here - put it this way, are your memories suddenly a little clearer?”


    Even if the ghosts didn't say anything, the crowd, even including the girls' crowd of ghosts, understood.

    The amount of information revealed behind these situations far exceeded what they had initially imagined.

    Jiang Lan frowned, “There's more than just our group of candidates in this dungeon?”

    Jiang tongxue came to a realization, “This dormitory floor, there are more than just girls' dormitories?”

    The boy ghost that was squatting on the ground like a dead fish also had a jolt of realization. His eyes widened to look at Jiang Lan, then his gaze shifted to Tang Xinjue and her party, “What the heck... candidates??”

    It rolled over like a dead fish, “You guys are actually still alive? Wait, if you guys are alive, why are they here... Impossible ah, you guys didn't fight?”

    All the ghosts and monsters flopping on the ground raised their heads incredulously, they originally thought that this group of girls had long been dominated by the female dormitory's original resident ghosts, and never imagined that the two parties could still coexist harmoniously.

    The female dormitory ghosts held their heads high: “Have you heard of what is called a temporary united front?”

    They couldn't even make a united front, and they were still mocking them for being earthbound spirits? Heh, earthbound!

    Ghosts and monsters have ghostly ways of communicating, and people have human ways of communicating.

    After Jiang tongxue politely stated that the scene of them torturing their own kind might be a bit anti-human, remembering the sight of the boys' ghosts spitting out bugs, the crowd silently exited the 919 door, leaving them plenty of room to play. No. 11's group of two, who were worried about No. 13's body, stood guard inside.

    After a few minutes, the screams stopped and the door reopened. No. 11 and No. 12, with pale faces, ran out to the toilet, and the sound of vomiting could be heard in the distance.

    Jiang tongxue stood in Room 919 and greeted them, “Sorry, just a little over exerted, both arms of this body are dislocated, can someone help me straighten it out?”

    Walking forward, Tang Xinjue saw that there were two missing boy ghosts from before and an extra puddle of unidentified shaped meat sludge and black liquid on the ground. The remaining ghosts and monsters were dying, no longer having the strength to lie.

    This time, they confessed everything.


    “So the back of the female dormitory is the male dormitory, and the two kinds of dormitories are combined in the same dormitory building, separated by a corridor...”

    Based on the information the ghosts and monsters handed over, Tang Xinjue quickly drew a new layout.

    The 9th floor, which the girls had thought was a combination of a corridor and three dormitories, turned out to be something else.

    According to the boys' ghosts, this building was originally actually an office building, and in order to make the internal structure look like a dormitory, the school authorities punched two walls in the center to divide it into the male and female dormitories, spacing out a corridor that was close to a secret passage-like, and could also keep an eye on the students at all times.

    “We were supposed to be long dead on the male dormitory side, but one day we suddenly found ourselves able to move and saw a living person living in the dormitory. Then we received a notice that this place had turned into an exam dungeon...”

    The memories of the male ghosts are much the same as the girls' side. At first, they wanted to seek revenge on the faculty office, but realized that they were confined to the men's dormitory and couldn't get out, so they targeted the “candidates” who had just moved in.

    The candidates in the male dormitory rightly took the student ghosts as dungeon bosses, and after a few days, both of them lost. Although the ghosts have succeeded in taking over many bodies, there are a few tough ones that they have never been able to get down. Until...

    “Until the end of the clearance time limit.” Tang Xinjue's eyes twitched, “And then what happened?”

    The male ghost mourned, “Who knows what kind of madness those candidates suddenly went into, saying something about being tricked and not being able to get out, and then they started destroying our dormitory. I didn't expect that they would really break out. But we can't get out, we can only watch them leave... Later, I don't know how long, we gradually can come out, and then we found this secret base left by the teaching office, but it's a pity that there's not a single ghost inside, and I don't know where the school's gang of turtles have hid.”

    “Then again, we felt that there were living people appearing on the female dormitory side, so we thought it would be good to be idle...”

    What happened after that, the crowd already knew.

    Jiang tongxue felt so awful that she had no words and smoke comes out of her seven orifices*: “So you guys woke up for so long in vain, and you didn't even catch the shadow of the Academic Affairs Office?”

    *气得七窍生烟: smoke comes out of the seven orifices. An idiom, means to be so that smoke seems to come out of one's ears, eyes, mouth and nose; it describes being extremely angry. 

    So many ghosts that were killed by the school administration were still roaming around the dormitory building, but they let the school administration peacefully hide in some unknown corner, using a few devouring ghosts to pick the students apart. It was simply a great shame!

    The male ghosts, however, were very resigned to their fate: “Alas, if we were that awesome, we wouldn't have been screwed over by this crappy school in our lifetime.”

    Besides, when they fought with the candidates, their living forces were consumed. Even if they find the Academic Affairs Office now, it's probably just a weak chicken rushing up to deliver food, so they might as well stay here peacefully.

    No. 5 finally understood: “What kind of mentality do you guys have? You can't handle the school, but you don't want others to have an easy time. Why do you still come here to cause trouble?"

    She pointed with righteous indignation, and saw Tang Xinjue shaking the topographical map that she had just completed to show a few boy ghosts: “Are there any discrepancies?”

    The other side lifted its eyelids lifelessly, “It's okay... not right, the corridor is drawn short.”

    It raised a finger to gesture, “This corridor is particularly particularly long, how long is it, we native ghosts will get lost. Not that I'm bragging, in your place, you wouldn't be able to find where the Academic Affairs Office is hidden.”

    Tang Xinjue nodded, “That's okay, you guys have already felt your way once, we can get twice the result with half the effort by stepping on the experience of our predecessors.”

    Boy ghost: “......”

    After confirming some other information in detail, the group discussed it concisely and immediately started to work on preparing to enter the corridor behind the rift hole.

    They had already checked that both 919 and 921 had this rift hole near the corner of the wall, connecting to the same space. These holes were not made by the boys' ghosts, and were most likely the passages used by the faculty as well as the devils to enter and exit.

    Most likely*, they were hiding in this corridor!

    *十有八九 literally nine times out of ten, means the vast majority, roughly the same, or close. In short, having a high probability.

    The ghosts in the female dormitory cannot leave here because of the inexplicable restrictions. Jiang tongxue could only look at them with bated breath as they made their preparations, “If you find that bunch of dogs from the Academic Affairs Office, be sure to lift our seals at the first opportunity! We are allies!”

    Tang Xinjue: “Don't worry, you guys are an important combatant. When the time comes, even if you don't want to do it, you'll be dragged over to fight.”

    Jiang tongxue then breathed a sigh of relief and waved her hand, “Just give the injured who are not able to move easily to us. It's our fault* anyway. Don't worry, we'll make sure they're safe.”

    *锅, literally pot, but can also mean fault. This is taken from the metaphor 黑锅; black pot, a scapegoat taking the blame for others.

    Ah Nian, who had been injured in the dream world before, as well as No. 15 and Ou Ruofei, who were still in an unconscious and weak state after being possessed, all belonged to the mobility-impaired people. Of the remaining people, No. 11 and No. 12 agonized for a moment and voluntarily chose to stay. First, because they couldn’t be assured of leaving their two roommates here, and secondly, because they really did not have much combat power, they might not even be able to resist when encountering the evil ghosts.

    In comparison, they would rather stay with the female dormitory ghosts, and could still get a slight sense of security.

    “Then it's decided.”

    After counting the number of people, the ten people were ready to go. The male ghosts stroked their bald heads in the corners and secretly snorted coldly, and were secretly cursing them in their hearts when they were picked up in the next instant.

    Boy ghost: “? What are you grabbing me for?”

    Zheng Wanqing gripped him with one hand like a chicken: “We need a guide, I think you're quite suitable.”

    Ignoring the ghost's frantic struggles, Zheng Wanqing threw him to the front of the line and twisted her wrist, “My fists are better looking and can cure your baldness, want to take a look?”

    Boy ghost: “, how to cure baldness?”

    The girl coolly said, "It's very simple, just turn it into a severed head."


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1 تعليقات

  1. I love that they actually went united front. I hope in the end, everyone can resolve this happily and peacefully with the administration absolutely demolished :)


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