Girls' Dormitory Escape - Chapter 86

Chapter 86: Surprise Hygiene Inspection

    Tang Xinjue knew that her toilet plunger couldn't eat anymore.

    Due to a yet-to-be-cleared "condition", it could only attack but not devour, and if it did, it would spit things out.

    But it doesn't matter, it's enough to deter the original ghost that never left the dormitory.

    The toilet plunger seemed to know this, and very bluffly exhaled twice, as if threatening to swallow this ghost's head in one gulp.

    No. 13 didn't last two seconds before opening her eyes, immediately reaching out her hand to try to push the toilet plunger down, "Scared the hell out of me aaaahhhh!"

    Tang Xinjue: "..."

    The toilet plunger didn't mind that you smelled like a ghost and had two slanted eyes, but you minded the toilet plunger?

    No. 13 sat up with a whimper, her eyes staring warily at Tang Xinjue: "What do you want?"

    Tang Xinjue smiled gently, "I should be asking you this, right? Setting traps for us at night, occupying our classmates' bodies in the dream world, and wanting to devour more people... If I'm not wrong, perhaps, you guys aren't willing to only be ghosts and monsters in the darkness. You want to use our bodies to return to the sun and become human again?"

    No. 13's face jerked violently, its eyeballs spreading a thick black color, and it involuntarily opened its mouth, "Become a human..."

    When it realized that it had lost its temper and hastily adjusted its expression it was already too late, and Tang Xinjue was even more certain of its speculation.

    "So, this is your ultimate goal."

    She recalled the memory that belonged to the original student, and the strong sense of reluctance and longing that welled up at the end of it.

    From the beginning she had sensed that it was the dead's attachment to the earth.

    They missed the moments of life, even if it was a life of pain, it was better than being stuck here forever, better than sinking into the coldness of eternal darkness.

    And so, a portion of the dungeon ghosts, unwilling to resign themselves to their fate, targeted the candidates' heads.

    No. 13 grinned a grim cold smile, "Ho ho ho, we just want to eat you guys, human flesh is so delicious..."

    Tang Xinjue gazed at it, "I once encountered another ghost and it operated in the same way. Do you know where it ended up?"

    No. 13 closed its mouth and didn't say anything.

    Trashy colleagues, disgraceful and making them lose face.

    Tang Xinjue also turned her words back to the topic, "To completely become a human, it's not enough to just fuse into the body. As long as you guys are trapped within the dungeon for a day, you won't be able to truly free yourselves even for a day. So your purpose is not just to occupy our bodies in the dungeon, the most important thing is to successfully leave the dungeon as a candidate and enter our game system. Only then can you truly obtain an identity that belongs to humans."

    Number 13's eyes widened in shock, not understanding how the human in front of them could guess all of their plans. If it hadn't confirmed that it was in this body, it would have wondered if it was another self talking in the other's body.

    Tang Xinjue: "So that's why you didn't hurt these three students, because you wouldn't have been able to get out of there if they were ruled dead by the rules, right?"

    No. 13 almost wanted to just nod her head, the last of her sanity making her keep her chin high, murmuring in her mind that the humans were in a different camp than them, and that she absolutely couldn't believe the other party's bullshit.

    Tang Xinjue let out a light laugh, "Even you yourself don't consider us as your own kind, but automatically classified us into the enemy camp. How can you truly become human?"

    No. 13 was startled, her eyes flickering.

    At this time, "Ou Ruofei" who was pretending to be dead on the side couldn't hold back, and couldn't help but raise her head to reply, "When we fully come back to life, you guys will completely disappear. Our survival is based on your death, how can we be considered to be on the same side?"

    Tang Xinjue's expression remained unchanged, as if she wasn't surprised by this answer at all. The others were different, some came to a realization, others were in a rage, and the most identical was that their hostility and vigilance towards the two ghosts had greatly increased.

    No.13: ...No one will take you for a dumb ghost if you keep your mouth shut!

    Ou Ruofei asked back, "Why are you staring at me? Isn't that what we discussed in the first place?"

    No. 13: "...It's because you're so stupid every time that we always get caught by those bastards in the Academic Affairs Office!"

    "Ou Ruofei" also became furious: "Yes, it's all because of those perverts in the Academic Affairs Office! When I turn into a human, the first thing I'll do is to find their lair, and pull them out and skin them!"

    No. 13 held her forehead in despair, not wanting to communicate with her pig teammates anymore.

    Tang Xinjue, however, smiled even more clearly, turned to sit on the other bed, and asked the ghost on Ou Ruofei, "So that group of people from the Academic Affairs Office are here too?"

    Ou Ruofei looked at her like she was a fool, "Of course! Who else would do your daily hygiene inspections?"

    Tang Xinjue: "Can't you see anyone from the Academic Affairs Office during the inspections?"

    Ou Ruofei was indignant: "Those guys are especially sneaky, they don't know where to hide every day. When the dungeon wasn't open, we were wandering around down there in a muddle, unable to get up at all. It was so hard to wait for you guys to come, we were finally able to go up to the 9th floor, only to find that we still couldn't find them."

    Tang Xinjue nodded, "So you guys are convinced that by replacing all of our candidate identities, you'll be able to find them. But replacing us is not an overnight effort, it requires many consecutive days of effort... In this way, aren't you and the people from the Academic Affairs Office doing the same thing?"

    While Ou Ruofei didn't react, No. 13's gaze shook, "What do you mean by that?"



    No. 13 steeply agitated, veins bursting out on her face, revealing the ferocity of a ghostly face under a human face.

    The staff of this school were the murderers who caused them to die horribly here, never to see the light of day again. They didn't share the same fate as these brutes, so how could they possibly act for the same goal?

    Tang Xinjue was not in a hurry, ''Every time the academic affairs office inspects the hygiene, they don't let us pass, isn't the purpose to let us continue to stay here? The longer we stay here, the more convenient it will be for you to utilize dreamland erosion every night, isn't that exactly what you want?"

    The ghosts fell into silence.

    After hearing this piece of logic, they were actually unable to refute it?

    "Ou Ruofei" opened her mouth, but in the end, she could only say firmly, "Impossible!"

    The perverts who founded and managed this school had black hearts from the inside out, so how could they possibly help them?

    Tang Xinjue nodded along with it, "Indeed it's impossible. That's why you've never wondered why the logic of your own behavior coincides with the people you loathe the most. It also never occurred to you why a group of evil spirits who avoided you every day and were incredibly life-threatening would help you fulfill your wishes and hasten your own deaths."

    "Yeah," she mimicked the ghost's tone, "Why is that?"

    Ghosts: "..."

    This piece of logic that they had never thought deeply about was uncovered, disassembled and broken down and placed before them, every word they could understand, connecting them together but instead, they couldn't figure it out... It was a question that was beyond their cognizance.

    Jiang Lan's voice picked up Tang Xinjue's words, breaking the stagnation of the ghosts:

    "There is only one answer - because you have been tricked!"

    She walked up with large strides, ignoring the difficulty in her throat, and said in a mute voice to these two people on the bed, or should be said as two ghosts, "In your lives, you were only girls who had just entered the university, and you couldn't fight this group of veterans at the school who were already scourging the society. After death, you are still being used by them, allowing them to sit back and enjoy the benefits without having to do anything, watching you kill the exam candidates who came in and then take your own lives!"

    The eyes of the two ghosts widened to the point of almost coming out of their frames, so agitated by the implications of this sentence that they almost revealed their ghostly forms and pounced on them, hissing, "What did you say?"

    "I finally understood it." Keke also came up, yanked back Jiang Lan who was coughing, and patted her hard on the back, "What are you doing arguing with a bunch of stupid schoolgirls? If they can comprehend and fight those old bastards, can they be schemed to death here?"

    No. 13's entire ghost stood up in an uproar, furious, "Why can't I comprehend? Why can't I beat them?"

    For such a long time, she was one of the few among all the spirits imprisoned here that had not lost her mind and spent her days in a state of confusion. She was angry all the time, plotting... Resentment filled her soul, and hatred dominated her thoughts. All of her actions were for the ultimate goal - now suddenly learning that all of this was the result of being used, so how could she endure?

    A mournful howl and a swarm of souls appeared. Although the crowd couldn't see any concrete shadows, they could sense the eerie coldness of the room as the temperature dropped precipitously, highlighting the anger of the ghosts.

    Tang Xinjue looked at the girl whose original appearance could not be seen anymore, but her complexion was calm instead.

    She spoke softly, "It's simple, you guys thought from the wrong aspect, but the other group of ghosts didn't think wrong."

    "You guys thought that by occupying our bodies, you would be able to smoothly pass the rules and return to our world. But are the rules of the game that governs countless exams really so easy to fool? How are you guys sure that you will definitely succeed?"

    "Presumably, this conclusion was not something you easily came to by casually thinking about it, but rather, someone hinted at it, planted the thought in your consciousness, and prompted you to execute it along that line."

    "So, now recall, who was the person who hinted that you could easily hoodwink the rules, utilize them, and pass the rules screening?"

    The girl's every word was unmistakably clear in the room.

    "That ghost, the ghost that was used by the faculty to take advantage of the situation and use it to trick you all."

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