Girls' Dormitory Escape - Chapter 85

Chapter 85: Surprise Hygiene Inspection

    Hearing Guo Guo's words, No. 13's expression suddenly became unpleasant to the extreme.

    Guo Guo continued, "I remember that you guys want to force gifts onto us, and once we receive them, we will turn into various injured states and then be replaced by your invasion. The injury in A’Nian's abdomen appeared because she wore the bracelet you guys gave her, and the one who wanted to replace her was a long haired female ghost... Have I gone into enough detail? If you want to prove me wrong, then wrap the tape and let us take a look."

    No. 13 spat out, almost grinding her teeth, "Is there any credibility to what's in the dream?"

    In the atmosphere of saber rattling, No. 11 suddenly spoke in a trembling voice, "The gift... I was also given."

    The crowd turned their heads to see No. 11 and No. 12 shaking hands to take out two boxes, which was also the "gift" given to them by No. 15 yesterday, but they have not yet had time to open them.

    No.11 held back her tears: "You told us yesterday that we are roommates, you won't harm us, and asked us to avoid others at night before opening them..."

    She twisted hard and gritted her teeth to open the lid of the wooden box!

    An uncanny sense of weirdness spread out, and only Guo Guo and Tang Xinjue could see that a black qi was rising from the box, and it went straight for No. 11's face!

    "Watch out!"

    At Guo Guo's alarmed cry, Tang Xinjue directly drew up a toilet plunger and knocked off the wooden box, sucking the black qi into the rubber plunger.

    The toilet plunger stood still for two seconds, suddenly twitching as if choking, as if a person was coughing non-stop, and a moment later the rubber head violently spat out the black qi that had turned into substance again.

    Zhang You was the closest, could not think too much and hastily drew out her weapon dictionary and slapped it hard, making the black qi dispersed into several parts and fled outward.

    "I'll do it."

    Jiang Lan separated from the crowd, her hands condensed into a seal, four white lights suddenly fell into the air to form a box, enveloping the black qi in which it could not break free.

    Jiang Lan's lips slightly opened and spat out the words, "Purification."

    The white light frames flew and tightened, the black qi was annihilated in the white light, emitting a sizzling sound like burning.

    No. 15 couldn't stand to watch, shrilly shouting no, jumping down and pouncing to break Jiang Lan's skill, covering the black qi with her body.

    The crowd immediately restrained her, but saw that the girl's eyes were tightly closed, as if she had fainted.

    With two pounces, No. 13 and Ou Ruofei also fainted one after another, falling unconscious on the bed.


    After confirming that all three were deeply unconscious, Jiang Lan used a marking prop similar to a small golden ball to make a tracking mark on the three again, monitoring their situation at all times.

    "These ghosts are quite smart. When they see that they can't lie about it, they just pass out to escape." Zheng Wanqing was a bit depressed, nibbling on a biscuit. The more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

    But this trick did have an effect. After all, the three bodies occupied by the ghosts were all exam candidates, and they couldn't lay their hands on their classmates' bodies, so they could only keep them in place for the time being.

    No. 11 and No. 12 thought that their two roommates were dead, and cried uncontrollably at the bedside. It wasn't until Tang Xinjue reminded them that No. 13 and No. 15's bodies and consciousness were only temporarily occupied, and that they weren't dead yet, that there was a bright light in their eyes.

    "Really?" The two girls instantly pulled Tang Xinjue's hand, making sure to ask clearly.

    Tang Xinjue nodded, "The two of them still have their spiritual flames, it’s just a little darker. There's no way to fake this. It means that their lives aren't in danger, they've just been temporarily replaced in some way by the dead ghosts' consciousness."

    This substitution was also different from the ghost possession of the ghosts, otherwise Guo Guo wouldn’t have been able to tell. According to the dreamscape scene Guo Guo had stated, it seemed to be very close to the method used when Xiao Hong tried to replace Guo Guo.

    It's just that the method was unknown. If there was a chance to see Xiaohong again, she could ask about it.

    The two girls then sighed in relief and helped each other to pull themselves together, vowing to pass the exam together so that their roommates would come to their senses.

    They had originally only gone through a very low difficulty D level exam, still scratching the entire time and coming through with a just passing score. This group exam only let them really realize the difficulty of the game. With their heart pounding, they also couldn’t help but think more.

    In the entire dungeon of 16 people, the strength of their dormitory of four people ranked at the very end. No powerful powers and props, no more than ordinary people's ability to analyze, even encountered danger, but also the first to be attacked by the ghosts and monsters like a "soft persimmon".

    *soft persimmon; this has double meaning. It comes from a saying - the old lady eats persimmons and pinches the soft ones. The original meaning is literally a softer persimmon, but the extended meaning is that this person is easier to bully, or is at a disadvantage.

    If next time they encounter the same difficulty, or even more difficult examination. If the next time they encounter the same difficulty, or an even more difficult exam, and they do not have the help of other strong candidates in the dormitory, can they still survive to the end relying on themselves?

    Zhang You handed over biscuits and water, and the two girls accepted them with silent thanks, snuggling up and swallowing the food.

    Previously, although they did not say it directly, they were actually not too willing to eat this kind of biscuits, and they always felt that they could eat delicious food after they finished the exams by redeeming them with points... But now they realize that what was more important than the desire for food and drink was the strength to survive.

    After simply replenishing their strength, the thirteen people regrouped.

    "What's next?"

    "The exam information was updated, saying that there will be a second health inspection today. Do we still have to clean?"

    Keke shrugged, "Do you want to bet? I don't think those bastards will give us a pass today either, so cleaning would be for nothing."

    In just a day's time, Keke had already given this school's teaching staff a dozen insulting names. Each time she said it, the only thing that was the same was just the tone of voice filled with disgust.

    Tang Xinjue pondered for a moment, "According to the available information, the upper limit of the number of inspections we face is likely to be three rounds."

    According to the difference in levels prompted by the information: first round, student council. Second round, dormitory staff. Third round, faculty staff.

    "So, what happens if we fail all three rounds of inspections?"

    Jiang Lan's brows tightened furiously, "...Worst case scenario, we lose the chance to pass forever and will be trapped here."

    When they ran out of food and ammunition, even if there was no attack from the outside world, they would starve to death in this dungeon, becoming the real "students" of this fake school.

    Tang Xinjue: "Therefore, in order to pass the level, the way to survive is within three rounds of inspection. We still have two more chances to determine the exact method to pass the level."

    Zhang You comprehended her meaning, "Taking the second check to trial and error?"

    If they went all out to finish cleaning and still failed the second inspection, it meant that the so-called cleaning was a cover to hoodwink them, and the clearance could only be found another way.

    The crowd had no objections, and the plan was quickly finalized. The group of people carefully checked all the spaces again, confirming that there were no other clues and not a trace of dust, before returning to the dormitory to wait for the inspection.

    Time passed, and eleven o'clock noon quickly arrived.

    Before the arrival, Tang Xinjue's eyes suddenly paused, and while keeping her body still, she mobilized her mental power and turned her head with another "vision" to see "No. 13" who secretly opened her eyes.

    No.13 still wanted to quietly break free from the bindings, and after realizing that it was not feasible, she dejectedly slumped down again. In the process, she accidentally failed to control her two eyeballs, and they gurgled to the sides, revealing a large portion of the whites of her eyes.

    Tang Xinjue: "..."

    After a few seconds, No. 13 again seemed to have sensed something, suddenly raising her head and opening and closing her nostrils to look at the door.

    Tang Xinjue thought that the other party had seen her own spiritual power, but No. 13's gaze crossed over her and the other students, looking straight out the door—

    What was outside the door, and what was No. 13 looking at?

    Tang Xinjue frowned slightly as an idea suddenly flashed through her mind.

    Without waiting for her to think about it in detail, a familiar sense of confusion appeared abruptly. This time, she had prepared in advance and smoothly read the memories that flooded her mind.

    Only this time, the memories were exactly the same as yesterday's, and when the memory images dissipated, the dormitory and corridor in front of everyone's eyes didn't have any extra figures, only a lone white board.

    Inspector: Dormitory Manager

    Inspection result: Failed

    Punishment: one day of confinement

    Failed again, it was just as they guessed.

    After discussing in advance, this time the group had no more surprise results and picked up the second whiteboard and hung it on the wall. Now they needed to think about another thing: in the situation where it was impossible to pass the hygiene inspection, what was it going to take to get through?

    Instead of taking the lead on the idea, Tang Xinjue turned toward the corner of the room, where three beds side-by-side were strapped to three girls who had been replaced by ghosts.

    Walking straight towards where No. 13 was, Tang Xinjue directly undid the bindings.

    The crowd looked at each other in disbelief, not knowing why she had done so.

    No. 11 and No. 12 were even so horrified that their eyes rounded in horror: "She she she she, she wouldn't have been replaced as well, would she?"

    Guo Guo really thought about it, "Although there's no such possibility, but if there really is such a day, we can also just pack up and wait for death."

    As she spoke, she saw Tang Xinjue sitting next to No. 13, sweeping away the harshness of her strikes with the toilet plunger, her voice was as gentle as it could be, "Will it not be too comfortable to be tied up like this? Get up and move around."

    No. 13's eyes were tightly closed, still in an unconscious state.

    Tang Xinjue raised an eyebrow, "Even if your eyes are closed, remember not to turn your eyeballs too far back, as this will cause damage to their bodies."

    She then turned her head to look at the sleeping Ou Ruofei: "They have no grudges against you, so it's fine if they're scared half to death and get replaced. However, if they become blind as soon as they open their eyes, would it be too much?"

    Speaking to ghosts and monsters in the same way one would communicate with a normal person was undoubtedly very bizarre.

    The three sleeping bodies really didn't have any reaction either. No... Zheng Wanqing with her sharp eyes suddenly pointed out, "Those two’s eyelids that have moved! They’re quietly turning their eyeballs back!"

    The two ghosts whose small movements were pointed out, "... "

    Just as they were torn between whether to directly open their eyes to confront the others, or continue to play dead, No. 13 felt a sudden coolness on her face, and an icy object that made the ghosts' souls tremble snapped up.

    Tang Xinjue pestled the toilet plunger in No. 13's face, her voice still gentle, "You can choose not to answer, let's communicate in another way. Ghosts don't dissipate easily, so it's okay to eat half of you and then chat with the remaining half, right?"

    The ghost lying in No. 13's body: ...Be a human!

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