Girls' Dormitory Escape - Chapter 77

Chapter 77: Surprise Hygiene Inspection

    "Classmate Ou, Classmate Ou?"

    Hearing A-Nian's call again, Ou Ruofei shuddered subconsciously and looked up to meet the girl's small oval face and dark eyes.

    At this moment, she remembered what Keke from bed No. 3 said.

    ——Are you so confident that this room is full of humans?

    A-Nian's lips opened and closed slightly, and her voice was soft, but a little too high-pitched due to excitement:

    "I didn't lie to you, there is really blood on your bed. If you don't believe it, look at it."

    Ou Ruofei subconsciously raised her eyes and saw that there was indeed blood there. On the wall beside her bed, she saw a pool of thick, bright red liquid that was slowly flowing downwards.

    One drop, two drops, a spreading flower of blood bloomed on the white sheets.


    Tang Xinjue paused when she heard the shrill scream from 917. She looked at her hesitant roommates beside her and said,

    "Zhang You and I will go to the bathroom, and you two will go back to the dormitory to check out the situation."

    Anyway, there was a spiritual connection, so if anything happened, they could just chat in their heads, and the risk of distraction was greatly reduced.

    The number of people in the corridor was reduced by half in an instant. Because the screams he heard were mixed with A Nian's voice, Jiang Lan rushed back immediately. The girls in beds 11 and 12 seemed to have teammates left in the room. After they retreated, there were only 6 people left in the corridor.

    Tang Xinjue never looked back. After the spiritual connection was upgraded, her perception became stronger and stronger, and it was no longer limited to ghosts

    Even without using her eyes to "see", she could almost tell how many people were behind her and who they were.

    In addition to Zhang You, No. 5 and No. 6 also followed behind. They also held fire-breathing toy guns in their hands, and they seemed to have no intention of hiding their clumsiness.

    But now there was another girl beside them, and Tang Xinjue recognized it as Guo Guo's lower bunk, No. 10. The three of them seemed to be closely related, and they should be in the same dormitory.

    Behind the three of them, walking at the end of the team, was a solitary girl with a solemn expression. She was Zhang You's upper bunk No. 7.

    Taking advantage of these few steps, Zhang You described the situation she observed in her mind:

    [No. 7 should have no roommate, and was alone like Ou Ruofei.]

    [11, 12, 13, and 15 are in the same dormitory, and it is the only dormitory with four people besides us. Judging from their accent, they seem to be from Sichuan Province. ]

    If there was no more information, it could be basically confirmed that this was really a group instance. College students from all over the world were sent to this exam in dormitories to complete a task together.

    It was their first time coming into contact with a group instance, and they saw so many people in one go. It would be lying to say they weren't excited.

    [If single persons are included, there should be a total of six dormitories here. Everyone in the dormitory should be very vigilant. They all have experience in passing exams… except Ou Ruofei.]

    At this point, Zhang You paused. She had one more thing to say, but she didn't know how to say it: [There's one more thing, but I'm not sure...]

    Tang Xinjue seemed to be able to hear her thoughts, she added the following words for her:

    [All dormitories with less than four people have lost roommates.]


    It was not just a matter of having too few people.

    There will be differences in temperament and state between people who have never faced death in a dungeon and people who have just experienced the death of someone around them.

    Although their dormitory was severely hit by the exam, all four of them were still alive, so at least mentally they were still full of vigor. The same was true for the other four-person group, although they were cautious and had no sense of presence.

    However, the remaining girls, except for Ou Ruofei, all have more or less gloominess and excessive aggression.

    In other words, it was a strong sense of self-protection.

    As thoughts surged, the scene in the bathroom came into view.

    The walls were covered with thick dirt, and only the original white color could be seen through the gaps. Only half of the ground was paved with bricks, and the other half was still cement. There were piles of uncollected trash cans on the ground.

    But the dirtiest place is the sink - the sink is filled to the brim with garbage such as instant noodle boxes. The water in the sink is mixed with soup and snack packets, cultivating countless bacteria and maggots, and gives off a pungent smell.

    Although they even had already adapted in advance in the corridor, the sound of retching still kept coming and going.

    "I really, blergh- do you need tissue? I have some blergh -"

    No. 5 took out two napkins, thinking that Zhang You and Tang Xinjue didn't block their noses because there was no tissue.

    Tang Xinjue declined: "Smell is sometimes a clue."

    No. 5 was stunned: "That's true, but how did you hold it back?"

    Instead of being smoked to the point of acid reflux, she chose to block her nose.

    As soon as the words came out, No. 5 felt that he had asked too much.

    There were mountains beyond the mountains, there were always people who are better than you, some who dare to confront the cracks of hell, and some who can walk freely in extreme environments, which she couldn't even envy.

    However, just as she comforted herself, she turned her head and saw Zhang You and Tang Xinjue looking at each other and nodding, then putting on a pair of rubber gloves, reaching into the sink and starting to rummage.

    No. 5: "???!!!"

    The four people behind were all shocked.

    Although they were mentally prepared for the general cleaning, they did not expect that the other party would start so decisively and off guard.

    However, within a few seconds, Tang Xinjue took out a crumpled piece of cardboard from the instant noodle bucket. After rinsing it, she read the words on it clearly:

    [9.8 Check the cleaning rules... check the time...]

    The rest The words were all mushy and indistinguishable. There was only half of the paper and the other half was missing.

    Seeing this piece of paper, everyone suddenly understood: there were clues in the garbage!

    Clues were more important than anything else, so these few people immediately rolled up their sleeves and started picking out trash without saying a word.

    Five minutes later, Zhang You found the second clue.

    Didn’t know how she did it, but she directly dismantled the rusty faucet and found the lower half of the paper inside.

    [917 dormitory cleaning tasks are assigned: dormitory public space (8 people), corridor (4 people), bathroom (4 people), according to bed number]

    "According to this order, we are basically responsible for the interior of the dormitory."

    Tang Xinjue and Zhang You didn't hide anything and directly showed everyone the clues they found.

    No. 10 said with some horror: "If we have started cleaning now, does it count as violating the task allocation rules? Are there any penalties for violating the rules?"

    "There may be accidents or dangers."

    Tang Xinjue and Zhang You looked at each other. "Let's tell the news to the classmates who are still in 917 first, so that they don't act rashly."

    The two of them tacitly agreed not to reveal their mental powers. Instead, they turned on the call function of the APP and told Guo Guo and Zheng Wanqing in the dormitory the information via phone.

    Guo Guo breathed a sigh of relief on the other end of the phone, "Fortunately, we haven't started cleaning yet. We'll search in the dormitory, maybe there are clues. Oh, you ask what Ou Ruofei shouted just now? It's okay, that's just a misunderstanding. I'll wait for you guys. We’ll talk about it in detail later.”


    Tang Xinjue didn't say anything more. After hanging up the phone, she said concisely: "There should be more clues here. Let's find them out as soon as possible."

    Zhang You nodded and took out one pair, two pairs... four pairs of gloves from her pocket and handed it to everyone, "You can use this first."

    The gloves were not only a layer of protection, but also helped to overcome psychological barriers.

    After accepting the gloves, the four of them were grateful but also a little surprised. No. 5 and No. 6 are the most outspoken: "Thank you. We may not be of much help mentally, but if you encounter danger, you can call us immediately. The three of us have special powers that can restrain ghosts."

    At present, they only knew that No. 5 and No. 6 both had fire abilities, and their lethality was very considerable. Although they didn’t know what No. 10’s ability is, it should be pretty good from this point of view. Tang Xinjue accepted the thanks and suddenly said, “Are you related?”

    Zhang You was startled, and after looking carefully, she realized that the eyebrows of No. 5 and No. 6 were indeed somewhat similar. Only the height and clothes were different. At first glance, one couldn’t see that they were related by blood.

    "Yes, you can see this."

    No. 5 smiled, showing two tiger teeth: "My sister and I have been in the same class since elementary school, and we have been in the same dormitory in high school and college. Now we not only play the survival game together, but also awaken the same ability!”

    She no longer doubted the identities of Tang Xinjue and others, and revealed her talkative nature after losing her guard: “But we don’t look alike, and you are the first one who can tell when we just met, hehe.”

    No. 6 said helplessly, "Okay, just say a few words, don't delay the business."

    No. 5 curled her lips: "I just said a few words. This is the first time I saw a living person and I was not allowed to speak. I was almost suffocated. By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. We are students of Taipei Normal University. My name is..."


    The bathroom door suddenly closed without warning, interrupting No. 5’s voice.

    They were all startled. No. 7, who was closest to the door, subconsciously tried to push, but Tang Xinjue pulled her back first: "Don't get close!"

    In a flash, several dark-shelled flying insects suddenly emerged from the crack of the door, one after another, and turned into a huge group in a blink of an eye, flying straight towards them!

    No. 5 and No. 6 pressed the trigger of the "toy gun" without hesitation. The flames engulfed the flying insects, and the buzzing and crackling of the carapace were endless.

    "It's still the revenge of the gang outside the 917 door before."

    Tang Xinjue picked up a few flying insect corpses and turned them into powder with a gentle pinch. The next second, a wisp of black smoke rose.

    Tang Xinjue's heart skipped a beat and she immediately reminded them: "Don't use fire, these insects will produce a lot of smoke when burning!"

    No. 5 and No. 6 quickly stopped, but it was a step too late. After the flames disappeared, a black smoke rose rapidly and spread, instantly obscuring everyone's vision.

    "Ahem, cough, cough, I can't see anything clearly now."

    Zhang You took two steps back. The black smoke made her eyes sore and burst into tears, so she could only turn on the faucet to wash her eyes.

    Tang Xinjue pulled out the toilet plunger and used it. The water sprayed from the rubber head can knock down flying insects in the air, and the black smoke will be reduced a little, having a similar effect to a pesticide.

    She reminded them clearly: "You can't use fire this time, you should use water."

    After the initial panic, several people quickly stabilized their position, swatting away flying insects and splashing water to clear the black smoke. Not long after, the air suddenly turned cold and the temperature dropped sharply, and everyone was immediately on high alert: coldness often means the appearance of ghosts.

    "Don't attack, this is my roommate's ability!"

    No. 5 shouted an explanation in the black fog. Her voice fell into the cold air, and countless water droplets spread from top to bottom, covering the entire space.

    The effect of the "artificial rainfall" was immediate. The black mist was quickly blasted away, falling with flying insects, and gathered into a dark puddle on the ground.

    No. 10 gasped and put down her hands. The fingers of both her hands flashed blue, and then quickly returned to normal.

    Water-based ability, capable of both attack and assist.

    Three people in a dormitory had awakened attack powers, and they all have strong damage output. No wonder they were not afraid of ghosts.

    Zhang You was a little envious, but she quickly stopped and checked the insect corpses on the ground. After confirming that they would no longer cause harm, she took out the sealed bags, sorted some of them and saved them.

    Just in case, after all, this exam was over, it was possible for her power to summon any "thing".

    At the same time, Tang Xinjue had already pushed open the bathroom door. It was empty outside, with no one around.

    "That's all they are good for. They hide behind and carry out sneak attacks. They are shameless things." No. 7 spat coldly, wrapped the hand scratched by the insect with toilet paper, and refused help from others.

    "I was injured because of my own incompetence. If I don't remember this time, I will be injured again next time. Go help those who were useful."

    No. 7 walked away alone and continued to search for clues.

    "I feel awkward talking..." No. 5 muttered twice. Seeing everyone getting busy, she quickly joined in the work.

    Fortunately, it was now 7:20, which was still a long time before 11 o'clock, so they would definitely be in time.


    At nine o'clock sharp, No. 5 squatted on the ground and exhaled weakly.

    "It's so difficult. I really didn't expect it to be so difficult to find something."

    Even though they had overcome their psychological shadow and searched hard in every smelly corner, until now, together with Tang Xinjue and Zhang You, they had found a complete version, there are only four clues in total.

    [Dormitory cleaning requirements: tables, chairs, floors and beds must be neat and dust-free, there must be no decorations on the walls, no garbage in garbage baskets, no debris on the table, no stains on the bathroom, and no toiletries in the bathing area.]

    [Hygiene inspection time: 11 noon to 12 p.m. The inspectors will give points on the spot, and any points deducted will be considered unqualified. ]

    [Punishment rules for failure: All members of the dormitory will be detained for one day. ]

    "I feel like I can't find any more clues. Just these cleaning requirements, we might not be able to finish them in two hours."

    No. 10 was also so tired that her calves were weak, mainly because the bathroom was too dirty and smelly. There was nowhere to settle down even if you wanted to take a break.

    They all agreed. They felt that they had thoroughly searched the bathroom, and they really couldn't think of any other place to hide clues.

    Tang Xinjue looked around and frowned slowly.

    [Did you feel anything unusual?] Zhang You's voice came from his mind.

    [I feel like there's another hint here... maybe a very important one.]

    But they hadn't found it yet.

    Others have returned in twos and threes, ready to communicate with the people in the dormitory. Only Tang Xinjue and her friend were left in the bathroom.

    "Do you have a knife? Give me one."

    Tang Xinjue suddenly spoke.

    Zhang You quickly found a utility knife and a paring knife from the storage ring, but they were both rejected.

    "Is there anything bigger and as sharp as a knife?"

    Zhang You thought for two seconds and snapped her fingers: "Yes."

    Then she opened her pocket and pulled out a small metal spatula from Grandma Mayas's kitchen, "Does this work?"


    Immediately, the shiny spatula with a cold light was forcefully punched into the wall and slowly scraped upward -

    The thick layer of dirt attached to the wall fell off layer by layer like putty that was not applied well.

    A small poster appeared on the wall, with two exaggerated lip prints printed under the image of a non-mainstream star, and a few lyrical slogans written with a marker next to it. It seemed to have no information.

    Looking down, Tang Xinjue noticed that the lower right corner of the poster was slightly tilted, revealing a little asymmetrical black. With this corner, the entire poster can be torn off the wall from bottom to top.

    After tearing it off, a piece of black paper close to the wall jumped into view, with bright red handwriting on the paper:

    Don't stay here, they are all liars!

    Run away!

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