Doomsday Cruise - Chapter 10

 Chapter 10: First Boarding Cruise (4)

    Running around the corner, Mo Xiaoyao covered her heart, which was still beating. She leaned back against the wall that was also covered with beige wallpaper, the shy flush on her face subsided a little.

    Then, she felt something was wrong.

    No matter how much she liked that young lady, she shouldn't be as shy as she was just now, and she wouldn't take the initiative to reveal the deepest secrets in her heart so easily.

    His eyes darkened. Mo Xiaoyao walked aimlessly along the corridor, and soon came to the bow, and saw the indoor swimming pool with the sign "Bi Bo Tan".

*individually translated for each word, Bi Bo Tan means 'Blue Wave Pool'.

    Through the two clean glass doors, Mo Xiaoyao can clearly see that there are four swimming lanes inside, and the water quality was extremely clear. Shaking, sparkling, looking very attractive.

    Mo Xiaoyao pushed the door open without hesitation and walked in. She likes swimming, but there were always many people in the swimming pool near her house. Unless she got up very early, she will never be able to swim in the swimming lane to the other side.

    In the current pool, there was only a girl in a goose-yellow floral one-piece swimsuit, who is swimming hard in the middle of the second lane with a standard butterfly stroke. The girl was facing Mo Xiaoyao, her hair was hidden in the swimming cap, and she couldn't tell how long or short her hair was. Her face was immature and she didn't look more than 14 years old.

    Mo Xiaoyao, who was not very interested in strangers, only looked at the girl for a few moments before withdrawing her gaze. She walked towards the counter on her right hand side, and selected a light green one-piece that was easy to see from among the many swimsuits. After deftly taking out the card to pay, she stopped another squid-bearded NPC lady from putting the swimsuit into the conch, and carried herself to the locker room with the word "Female" written on it.

    After changing into her swimsuit and wearing her swimming cap, Mo Xiaoyao chose the fourth swimming lane that was closest to her after coming out. She dove down head-first from the platform, and the moment she felt the clear and odorless water submerge her body, she was completely relaxed.

    Mo Xiaoyao had been learning swimming since she was very young. She once attracted the attention of the city team's coach, who hoped that she could join the team and bring glory to the city. At that time, her parents had not yet divorced, without the burden of their respective families, and they still loved her only child wholeheartedly. They felt that this was just a hobby, and they did not want to force their daughter too much, so Mo Xiaoyao made her own decision.

    What was she thinking at the time? Mo Xiaoyao paddled flexibly in the water, and her breaststroke posture was standard and relaxed. Oh, by the way, because her good friend Fang Qiqi who was in the same class as her. She said that if she (Mo Xiaoyao) went to the city team, she would definitely go to the sports school, and the two of them wouldn't be able to go to the same middle school.

    Therefore, she chose to give up in order to be in the same school with her best friend. Mo Xiaoyao still remembered that the two of them naively hooked their fingers and said that they would be friends for life. When they were too old to walk, they would let the children in the family move the rocking chair to the yard. Then they sat side by side, chatting under the sun...

    Liar! Fang Qiqi, you big liar!

    Mo Xiaoyao's fingertips touched the wall at the end of the swimming lane, then curled up, kicked the slippery swimming wall with the soles of her feet, and swam back again in a backstroke posture.

    She didn't want the water in the pool to mix with the tears on her face. It would make her feel like she betrayed her best friend.

    As promised, they went to the same middle school, the same high school, and the same university. Everything was fine until 2 years ago.

    At that time, she and Fang Qiqi were about to graduate. They were busy with graduation thesis and looking for jobs. Living in a dormitory with access control became a pain. So they researched it and decided to move out and rent a house.

    That is, 3 months and 7 days after moving out, Fang Qiqi died.

    The reason for this incident was that the two of them, out of good intentions, opened the door to let a woman who suffered domestic violence enter the house to escape. Unexpectedly, that woman teamed up with her husband who beat her the next day, cooperating inside and out, and when Mo Xiaoyao got up early to go out for an interview and Fang Qiqi was the only one at home, they raped and killed her.

    The reason that came out afterwards was just because he wanted to teach the nosy people a lesson, but he accidentally used too much force and committed manslaughter.

    Mo Xiaoyao collapsed. Even though Fang Qiqi's parents didn't blame her, she still felt that it was all her fault.

    If she had blocked rather than agreed, wouldn't that woman have come into their house?

    If she didn't provoke that man, Fang Qiqi would be fine and she would live forever. They agreed to choose a wedding dress together, hold a wedding together, and live happily ever after.

    After receiving the last course of psychological counseling from the psychiatrist, Mo Xiaoyao had returned to normal on the surface, but only she knows how much she was afraid of coming into contact with strangers. But for Qiqi's sake, Mo Xiaoyao did not allow herself to be weak. She worked hard to overcome all discomfort and slowly reintegrated into the society.

    Her parents have their own families, and they have long said that they don't need her support but they don't want to care about her anymore. Mo Xiaoyao doesn't mind that she was not needed, because she still has Qiqi's parents to support, she must work hard and live!

    Her fingertips touched the wall again, but Mo Xiaoyao didn't continue to swim. She stood up straight, holding the edge of the swimming pool with her right hand, and picked up a handful of pool water with her left hand, washing away the tears on her face.

    The little girl in the second swimming lane had stopped swimming and was standing by the pool curiously looking at Mo Xiaoyao, but she didn't speak, as if she thought it would be rude to talk rashly.

    Mo Xiaoyao waited for her emotions to calm down, and then returned to the water. After swimming back and forth quickly with freestyle, she got up and went ashore without looking at the little girl again.

    After changing her clothes, taking off her swimsuit and wringing it dry, Mo Xiaoyao carried the wet swimsuit and walked along the cabin corridor on the fourth floor to the elevator.

    She could now be sure that Yu Bing must have some secrets, and it was the type that will increase the goodwill of strangers. Even people like herself who are both same-sex and strangers can be attracted, not to mention those who are originally just normal men with emotions of youth.

    Mo Xiaoyao also had her own secrets. When she took the first step on the cruise ship, the same mechanical sound as in the mist sounded in her mind, and she settled her previous rewards in the game.

    [The dungeon Misty Track is completed, settling the rewards...]

    Gold coin reward: 50

    Novice level Gold coin bonus: 50

    Obtained special reward: Champion's Gold Medal x1

    Obtained items and equipment: None

    Complete the main task: A Beautiful Race Track

    Complete the side task: None

    Complete hidden mission: None

    Unscripted Clearance Reward: Fortune Cookie x3

    First Clearance Reward: 4-Grid Canvas Bag x1

    Novice Pass Additional Reward: Random Skill x1

    [The settlement is completed, please collect it in your mind]

    Mo Xiaoyao believed that Yue Yin and Jiang Yan also have these rewards. They were in the same group, there was no reason for them to be treated differently. But just as she stopped Yue Yin from blurting out the words at the time, she didn't want to know about others, and she didn't want to share her extra rewards with others.

    At least not now.

    In her room just now, after reading "Instructions for Tourists" and "Introduction to Cruise Ships", Mo Xiaoyao received the reward in her mind. A thing like a virtual screen appeared directly in front of her eyes, on it were 4 icon.

    A small stack of gold coins with the words x100 in the lower right corner.

    A grey bag.

    A golden folded biscuit with two corners bent back, with the word x3 in the lower right corner.

    The last one is directly written with the word "skill".

    Mo Xiaoyao clicked down one by one and pocketed all the rewards. The gold coins in it were directly converted into data on her ship card, the skills entered her body, and the remaining bags, gold medals and fortune cookies appeared on the coffee table next to her sofa.

    Mo Xiaoyao picked up the gold medal first, and then the introduction and instructions automatically appeared in her mind.

    Name: Champion's Gold Medal (Excellent)

    Introduction: In competitive competitions, there will always be a champion, perhaps one, or many.

    How to use: Crush before use, and for the next 1 minute, say your choice aloud.

    Function: have priority at any moment.

    Note: The champion is the first.

    "Priority?" Mo Xiaoyao pondered and put the gold medal aside. Since it is a reward for champions, although it can be obtained repeatedly according to the introduction, since it is of excellent quality, the effect should not be too bad.

    Afterwards, she picked up the bag that was grey and felt like a canvas, and another string of instructions automatically appeared in her mind.

    Name: 4 Grid Canvas Bag (Fine)

    Introduction: Always bring a bag when you go out on a trip, otherwise, where do you put your souvenirs?

    How to use: After binding, it can be reduced to 5x5cm size and can be attached to any place on the body. Just touch the object with both hands or feet when putting it in, and you can put it in mindfully. When taking out, you need to touch the bag anywhere with your hands or feet before you can take it out with your mind.

    Function: Four items or weapons are allowed to enter the game dungeon. Please explore the specific types that can be carried. Except for the bound person, others have no right to use it, and it will be automatically unbound after death. Waterproof and dustproof, reliable adsorption, self-cleaning effect.

    Remarks: Baike brand backpack, you deserve it.

    After reading the instructions, Mo Xiaoyao immediately bound the backpack to herself. After thinking about it, she hung it on her waist at will, and then stuffed the gold medal into it, occupying a grid.

    From the outside, fortune cookies are the kind of things that the legendary Chinese restaurants in Country M (T/N: America) serve. They are golden and crispy cookies, folded in half and then bent into a curved shape. They looked very cute.

    Fortune Cookie (Ordinary)

    Introduction: If you eat it, good things will happen~
    How to use: Eat me.

    Function: Randomly enhance a little physique.

    Note: Is the small note useful? useless? Whatever you think~

    Mo Xiaoyao hesitated for a while, but she still took a piece and broke it open, closed her eyes and ate it. Unexpectedly, the taste was not bad, crunchy and a little sweet.

    Immediately following, Mo Xiaoyao felt a heat flow in her lower abdomen, and when she opened his eyes again, she felt that she could see more clearly, and her eyesight seemed to be better than before.

    Since it was really a good thing, she won't keep it or share it with others. Mo Xiaoyao calmly broke apart the remaining two pieces, threw them all into her mouth, chewed them carefully and swallowed them.

    It was still the same heat flow, but this time Mo Xiaoyao only felt that there was a change in her body, but it was not as obvious as before.

    After the three cookies were eaten, three lucky notes were left. Mo Xiaoyao opened them one by one and tugged at the contents of one of them.

    "You will have good luck today!"

    "You just broke a fortune cookie."

    "Help! I'm locked in the factory that makes fortune cookies, who will let me out!"

     After thinking about it, Mo Xiaoyao gave up the idea of ​​throwing them away. She folded the strips of paper in half and threw them into the second compartment of the canvas bag.

    Let's keep it for now, it's empty anyway. Mo Xiaoyao thought about it, and clicked on the random skill with the good idea that she just opened the lucky note saying that she would have good luck.

    And then——

    The hard working life of an African chief.*


*Machine translation translate the sentence as "Krypton's African Chief". Krypton refers to an internet slang where players began to use Krypton Life to describe the unreasonable continuous planning of game activities in a gacha game to chase after Krypton gold. If you play gacha games, you'd know... While African Chief - as opposed to Ou Huang aka European Emperor, Fei Qiu aka African Chief is a Chinese internet slang to describe people with very bad luck. Sounds a bit racist tbh but since CN people usually see white skin as a blessing (people with white skin is because they have a good life don't have to work outside under the sun etc), black means unlucky, I guess. All in all, it just means that Mo Xiaoyao is unlucky.

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This is the last chapter I'm going to edit. I'm sorry, but I'm dropping this because I don't have enough time or energy to edit it properly. If anyone wants to pick it up, feel free!

Note: I just asked my Chinese teacher about the surname 乐. Since it's a homonym between le and yue, MTL switched between the two quite often and I decided on yue. Turns out the surname should be read as Le, so... yeah... Sorry...

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