Girls' Dormitory Escape - Chapter 89

Chapter 89: Surprise Hygiene Inspection

    Exams just started when the male ghosts were messing around outside the door. Jiang tongxue's cadre of ghosts and the others hadn't yet climbed up from the 8th floor, and by the time they finally possessed No. 15, they happened to miss the very beginning of the farce. So much so that under the information gap, they unexpectedly did not know that such a group existed.

    Jiang tongxue was shocked, and without even thinking about it, she blocked the skeleton with No. 13's body, until the slight cracking sound of being overwhelmed came from her calf, only then did she snappishly retract her leg under the eyes of No. 11 and No. 12's tearful eyes, and waved her hand at the air, “Catch all of them!”

    The swarms of insects flying about in a great swirl were swept up in the air by a whirlwind, and were quickly crushed into the ground, leaving only a trail of crumbs behind.

    The yin wind whistled and rushed to the cracked hole, was blocked in the hole without being able to get out, then it angrily tore the wall skin. The whole wall was rustling and shaking, and incidentally, cut up the skeleton who wanted to sneak away back.

    Skeleton: ”......”

    The silent darkness outside the cracked hole suddenly stirred, as if something was rustling and crawling outwards, and was immediately captured by Tang Xinjue's mental power:

    “They're running! Can someone catch them back?”

    Jiang Lan immediately pinched out another golden orb that was dripping and spinning, slapped it against the cracked hole, and snapped, “Open!”

    The golden orb ejected a huge spider web that fell into the dark space, immediately provoking several cries of alarm and shouts of curses.

    “Crap, what is this thing?”

    “Run run run!”

    “Run my ass, I can't move! Quickly come back to save... Why are you still running?”

    “You fart, I'm not running, you're the one moving back!”

    The voice that screamed for help became violently stagnant, slowly turned his head and met the eyes of all the people in the room.

    It turned out that in their panic, the spider's web had been pulled into a large part of the dormitory by the combined efforts of all the people in the room. It was bound in the web of the things that were also indoor lighting, revealing the true face.

    Through the cracked hole, they saw what seemed to be a few boys their age, but their bodies looked like they had been rolling in a mud puddle. They were muddied by the black liquid and could not be seen, like a landed fish in the net flopping and struggling, screaming and cursing muffled and piercing the ear.

    It was not until they were reminded by their companions that they realized the current state of affairs and froze, looking into the dormitory-

    Jiang Lan frowned: “Living people?”

    Guo Guo's eyes widened, “Mud monster?”

    Zheng Wanqing's eyes were fierce: “Are these the things that tricked us from the outside the dormitory?”

    What's even more outrageous was, how did these “boys”, who neither look like normal people nor ghosts, appear in the hole in the wall of the girls' dormitory?

    Perhaps seeing that they had already been discovered, the boys simply did not do anything, cackled and laughed strangely, grinning to a great extent, a large number of black worms suddenly spewed out from inside like a tidal wave!

    The crowd backed away in a hurry, even if it was not the first time to take the test, seeing this scene with their own eyes was inevitable stomach acid, a physiological nausea surged to the scalp.

    Jiang tongxue sneered, “Living people don't spit worms out of their mouths, but if it's a [living person] that has been replaced, it's not necessarily the case.”

    The swarm of bugs was instantly crushed as the ghastly wind whistled past in a whirlwind. The boys outside were trying to take advantage of the attack to escape, but the cobwebs were made of something so sticky that even the swarm couldn't chew through them. Once he looked up again, he realized that the bugs he had just spat out had all but disappeared, leaving only Jiang tongxue disliking the grim face of the hole.


    The boy greeted dryly, “Hi, hello beautiful.”

    The next second Jiang tongxue opened her mouth and her tongue dropped out a meter long, trying to strangle their necks, but as soon as they entered the darkness it was as if they were being pressed by something, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't reach up.

    The boys who were originally like deflated balloons found this, and became arrogant again, laughed: “I thought it was more powerful, it turns out that it can not come out ah!”

    “What earth bound spirit pretending to be Sadako ah, but it’s just like this?”

    Jiang tongxue was so angry that her temples were surging with black qi, and she was about to scream, but her neck tightened, and she was yanked away from the hole by Tang Xinjue. She was replaced by a fast, accurate, and ruthless toilet plunger, which directly clasped the head of the boy at the front of the room.

    The boy was like being stepped on in the tail, screaming hysterically, “Ordinary people dare to attack me, I'll skin you... pain pain pain pain pain!”

    The powerful adsorption force on the rubber head pulled him straight to the mouth of the cracked hole, and Tang Xinjue pinched his neck in the sound of pain, “So, what are you guys, come and introduce yourselves.”

    The words fell, the toilet plunger pulled up the boy's head and brought the turnip with the mud, and gripped it hard through the cracked hole!

    The boy who landed under the light immediately howled miserably. His skin was like being burned, rolling around on the ground, and in a few seconds began to beg for mercy: “Don't kill us, we are also going to seek revenge on the faculty office, we're on the same side!”

    The word “revenge” caused everyone's eyebrows to twitch.

    The only people who could use this word were the student ghosts who had originally been victimized by the Academic Affairs Office... So these boys were also student ghosts?

    Tang Xinjue repeated what she did in a minute, gathering in all the boys who had been trapped by the cobwebs. When the spiritual power probed into the darkness again, the remaining accomplices had long since slipped away without a trace.

    Jiang tongxue examined the bodies of these people and wiped the black liquid off her hands in disgust, “Don't think about it, these bodies died a long time ago, they are just occupied by them.”

    Only to see these “boys” neck vaguely exposed large green spots, body permeated with a smell of rot, black mud under the face has long been distorted into no shape. If they weren't hidden in the darkness, they wouldn't be so confusing.

    Jiang tongxue asked the persistent question, “Say, how did you guys blend into the girls' dormitory?”

    A male student answered, “We don't remember, we floated and found this broken hole, then we mixed in...”

    Jiang Lan coldly eyed, “Do you take us for fools?”

    Whether it was a cracked hole or 919 dormitory, it was blocked by a force. Jiang tongxue and her line of ghosts could not go through it, how could these boys ghosts come and go as they please?

    The boys were especially struggling, “We really don't know anything, who knows why you guys can't get out, maybe it's because you are too weak, maybe we're born a little stronger...”

    Jiang tongxue gripped his hair, looking at the bloodstained hair roots and snorted: “You can only even take the body of a living person that’s been messed up. With such a low technique, you still have the nerve to say that you are strong?”

    The suddenly bald male ghost: “...”

    It was unwilling to retort, but was interrupted by Tang Xinjue's voice.

    “Regardless of which way the body is seized, there is only one prerequisite: there must be a living person in the first place.”

    She crouched down close, her roving gaze landing on these decaying bodies, actually causing a chill to rise up the ghost's back as well.

    After a few seconds, she spoke softly, “So, where did these bodies of human boys who haven't been dead long come from?”

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