Girls' Dormitory Escape - Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Classic Movie Appreciation (4)

     "Li Xiaoyu" in the mirror only appeared for a moment, then disappeared in a flash, leaving only Tang Xinjue looking into the mirror with calm eyes.

    "Bzz-- bzz--"

    The light bulb on the top of the restroom began to flicker on and off, and blood stains flowed silently from the mirror, sinking into the sink.

    The muffled sound of the impact sounded from the single toilet stall, and at the same time there was the sound of crawling, shrieking laughter in the distance, and the knocking of some kind of blunt instrument... All the sounds came up layer by layer through the air and poured into the eardrum.

    She didn't need to think about it. If the world she just lived in was the "reality" in the movie, then the environment in front of her now should be the inner world after the death condition* is triggered.

*something like a death/red flag? An indication that death is imminent, an occasion that would cause death in a game.

    Chaotic, eerie, dangerous.

    Why did the death condition suddenly get triggered?

    Tang Xinjue didn't leave in a hurry. She ignored the crashing sound that made it seemed as if something was about to crawl out of the room at any moment. Instead, she walked to the window.

    There seemed to be a layer of white mist outside the window, covering it. There were messy and dirty blood stains on the window frame, spreading all the way to the bloody handprints on the window.

    She raised her hand to cover it. The size was wrong. It seemed that this place had nothing to do with Li Xiaoyu.

    After leaving the restroom, she entered the corridor. It was already filled with a strong smell of blood, the ground was covered with trailing blood, and there was an obvious burning smell, squeezing the air that enters the lungs.


    Behind her, the door of the restroom was suddenly knocked open.

    A bloody hand stretched out, followed by a body that slowly crawled out, its head turned towards Tang Xinjue.

    Tang Xinjue also looked at it, and then found that she couldn't lock eyes at each other - because the other party had no face.

    A ghost in a school uniform but without a face?

    As if thinking of something, Tang Xinjue suddenly turned around and went back to the restroom, walking up to Faceless Ghost.

    The Faceless Ghost didn't seem to expect anyone to come at it, so it raised its head vigorously to "look" at Tang Xinjue, and blood spurted out from the top of its head, covering its face without facial features, looking disgusting and terrifying.

    However, not only did Tang Xinjue not show any discomfort, he even slammed the toilet plunger on its face.

    "Can you eat it?" she asked in a low voice.

    Faceless Ghost: "..."

    The next second, the rubber head really moved twice on its face, and then spurted a stream of water in disgust, washing away the blood on Faceless Ghost's face.

    Will not eat.

    Faceless Ghost: "..."

    It twisted its body vigorously, and lifted it upwards like joints creaking together, trying to catch Tang Xinjue.

    Tang Xinjue withdrew her hand, lifted the toilet plunger, and even the Faceless Ghost was hung up abruptly by sucking its face. Its limbs that had lost their fulcrum were slowly scratching in the air, and it even seemed a little desolate that it was inconvenient to move.

    Seeing that the toilet plunger didn't want to eat, she shook her head, "It's fine if you don't want to eat it."

    After finishing speaking, the toilet plunger was thrown outward forcefully, and the Faceless Ghost drew a parabola in the air, and fell straight back into the restroom with the splashing blood, making a muffled sound on the toilet.

    The faceless ghost who was forced to come back after climbing out: Damn you.

    Seeing that there were no other abnormalities in the restroom, Tang Xinjue quickly returned to the corridor, and saw two figures flash past at the end of the corridor. Her dynamic vision captured the back of the girl in front in an instant, and the hair length and hairstyle were exactly the same as "Feng Wan" in the restroom before.

    Without hesitation, she chased after her.

    Turning around the corner at the end of the corridor, she saw a girl who looked exactly like Feng Wan holding a utility knife in her hand and poking her head in front of a classroom. Behind her, a girl with long hair who was wearing the same school uniform but with a blurry face entangled her quietly.


    "Feng Wan" saw what was behind her in time through the reflection of the window on the wall. She immediately chose violence, and stabbed the utility knife with her backhand, but it pierced into the long-haired girl's body like it was piercing rubber, without any harm.

    The long-haired girl giggled. Her neck was suddenly elongated, her chin fell to her chest, and the black hole pulled out bit down on "Feng Wan"!

    There was a sound of piercing through the air, and an ice pick flew over suddenly. It pierced straight into the temple of the long-haired female ghost, causing it to scream!

    "Feng Wan" took the opportunity to kick it away, turned her head to look over, surprised and a little uncertain: "Are you Xinjue?"

    "Wanqing." Tang Xin Jue responded firmly.

    After asking and answering like this, Tang Xinjue had already approached, and saw a familiar expression and gaze on Feng Wan's strange face.

    "I finally found you guys. I can't stay in this ghostly place for a second. I turned into a character in a movie, and I'm mentally retarded..." Zheng Wanqing didn't get to finish what she wanted to say. The female ghost actually stood up like a spider, giggling again and pounced on the two of them.

    When the words were interrupted, Zheng Wanqing flew into a rage, "Laugh your sister*!"

*"Your sister" evolved from some of the original relatively vulgar and humorous words, such as "your mother", "your grandma", "f*** your sister" and other derogatory words. Due to the more frequent interaction on the Internet and the further improvement of the quality of Internet users, those vulgar words are likely to arouse the disgust of others. Neutral words such as "your sister" began to become common mood symbols in (Chinese) Internet slang.

    This time she stopped Tang Xinjue from making a move, but folded her arms and clenched her fists and shouted: "Strike with a heavy fist—"

    The light of the supernatural power shone in her hands. Then, on Feng Wan's slender body, the biceps swelled rapidly like air, and the fist was covered with a layer of red light, and she hammered down on the long-haired Spider Woman!

    [Fist the size of a sandbag: See this fist the size of a sandbag? Don't fight with me, I may get injured, but you'll lose your life]

    The ability to exchange in the mall was not watered down. Spider Woman's head was hit by a punch, and it was flattened immediately. Her limbs scraped the ground trying to grow again came out, but was held down by something again and couldn't move.

    Tang Xinjue asked the toilet plunger, "Do you want to eat?"

    A stream of water came out, but the toilet plunger still refused.


    Spiderwoman let out a sharp hiss, followed by a dense rustling sound, and countless small spiders crawled out from the top of the corridor, the walls, and the ground. Each spider had a blurred human head on its head.

    Zheng Wanqing stopped decisively: "I feel that my San value is dropping like crazy."

    "Go." Tang Xinjue took her roommate's hand and ran out of the corridor, stopping only when she reached the stairs.

    Up or down?

    Zheng Wanqing breathed in anxiously: "It would be great if I had a mobile phone."

    After entering the movie, they didn't have any mobile phones and props outside their bodies, and they couldn't contact their roommates. They didn't know where the other two people were now and whether they were in danger.

    "Up." After judging with her perception, Tang Xinjue made a decision.

    Before the spider crawled over, the two quickly went upstairs. When the sign on the stairs changed from 3 to 4, a cry came faintly from the corner.

    The two approached cautiously, and saw a girl lying on the ground crying—to be precise, it was half a girl.

    The girl's body was cut off from the waist, and her lower body completely disappeared. When she raised her head, Zheng Wanqing was shocked: "Isn't this Sun Qian?"

    Sun Qian, the third wrong option in the movie quiz, seems to be Feng Wan's friend as well. Except for the restroom, Tang Xinjue didn't see any plot related to her.

    But it seems that from the perspective of Zheng Wanqing's "Feng Wan", there should be a different story.

    After seeing the two, Sun Qian began to cry, her voice seemed to be buzzing from her chest: "I'm in pain, come and save me, my tongue is gone, my body has been cut off, I'm trapped here, I can't go out, save me..."

    Tang Xinjue looked at her: "Who killed you?"

    Sun Qian: "It was Qian Zhi, Qian Zhi was guilty of fearing that I would tell the truth, so he cut off my leg... Woooo... ..."

    Tang Xinjue remembered that Qian Zhi was the boy with a short cut who was forced to answer her in the classroom. It was also a character who only appears in the movie options, the one who sat behind Sun Qian.

    She continued to ask: "What is he afraid of you telling the news? Who is he telling the news?"

    "Afraid of me..." Sun Qian suddenly stopped talking, and she opened her mouth strangely: "I won't tell, my tongue has been pulled out, you guys don't want me to talk, hee hee..."

    Zheng Wanqing frowned, "Who pulled out your tongue?"

    "It was... you!" Sun Qian's mouth split open, staring at them, "Because you hated me for speaking ill of you outside, you pulled out my tongue. We are good friends, Feng Wan, you are so cruel..."

    Tang Xinjue interrupted her sobbing. Her voice was so calm as if she was doing a survey: "So, were you dismembered by Qian Zhi and Feng Wan before you were alive?"

    Sun Qian: "..."

    She had a half-smile on her face: "No, this is what I look like after I die. Because you hate me so much, so I want to become like this. Of course, you will be the same...we are all the same!"

    As her voice sharpened sharply, countless hands stretched out from the surrounding walls, grabbing towards the two of them!

    "Qian Zhi took my leg, I took his hand, and now I still lack a tongue, who will be my tongue? I like both of you very much."

    However, most of the hands on the wall were grabbing towards Zheng Wanqing. It seemed that Sun Qian was still bitter about her tongue being cut off by Feng Wan.

    "Crack, crack, crack"

    The sound of blunt objects hitting the wall suddenly approached from below, as if someone was walking along the stairs.

    Sun Qian was taken aback for a moment, and smiled sharper: "Qian Zhi is here! He wants a pair of arms, hahaha, your arms..."

    A shadowy, short-haired boy stepped out of the corner of the stairs.

    His lower limbs had turned into four full legs, but he had no arms under his shoulders. He could only wrap a machete with his long tongue protruding from his mouth, and the machete scraped against the wall, making a cracking sound.

    It was Qian Zhi!

    Two monster-type NPCs attacked back and forth, one without arms and one without legs, staring at them from both sides.

    ...and the two disabled monsters could still stand up firmly.

    Zheng Wanqing turned to look at her: "Do you want to do it?"

    Tang Xinjue frowned, "It's a waste of time, don't do it."

    After a few short sentences, the two of them ran to the corridor stairs on the other side in tacit understanding at the same time. With the help of toilet plunger and [the fist with the size of a sandbag], they blocked the arm and quickly reached the stairs. Tang Xinjue grabbed the door in the corner of the stairs and reminded her roommate: "Close!"

    The two doors closed with a muffled sound, temporarily blocking Sun Qian's screams and Qian Zhi's machete. In order to save time, the two slid down the railing of the stairs quickly, and jumped to the next floor when they slid halfway, and didn't stop until the second floor.

    "This floor is very quiet, and I didn't feel any greater danger."

    She dragged Zheng Wanqing into the restroom, and shoved back a faceless ghost who was about to crawl out. The two stopped to breathe.

    Zheng Wanqing coughed twice, and said anxiously: "What shall we do next?"

    Tang Xinjue said concisely, "Exchange information."

    "If I guess correctly, our perspectives are different, and the plot of the movie we see should not be the same.”

    The separate plot lines were chaotic, and the relationship between the characters was also confusing. The world caught them off guard and felt menacing. It seemed that the world didn’t want to give candidates any room to experience the plot slowly.

    Perhaps, only by piecing together the parts that everyone experienced can the original content of the movie be restored.

    The author has something to say: NPC: To be a ghost is to be physically disabled, we all have a bright future.jpg

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