Doomsday Cruise - Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Cruise Ship First Boarding (3)

     She brought the room card, pushed open the door and went out, then the door automatically lock with a "click" behind her. Mo Xiaoyao walked in the quiet corridor wearing socks, hesitated when passing Jiang Yan's room, and finally decided to not bother.

    When she came to the elevator, Mo Xiaoyao saw that the sightseeing elevator that had brought them up was still there. She didn't know if someone had come out from there again, or if no one called the elevator at all.

    Mo Xiaoyao walked over and pressed the down button, then the elevator door opened. She took a step forward and went in to the door, poked the button with the number "4" with her index finger, and stood by the door.

    She remembered that the ordinary duty-free shop was in the atrium on the 4th floor. In addition to this, there was the indoor swimming pool at the bow and the B restaurant at the stern.

    The Doomsday Cruise has 13 floors and 1,111 cabins, including regular cabins, ocean view rooms, balcony rooms and suites. The room was allocated by contribution, and now Mo Xiaoyao doesn't know what it was, guessing it might be related to the copy on Game Today.

    In addition to the basic cabins, there are a total of 4 formal dining rooms at the bow and stern of the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th floors. In addition, there is an outdoor BBQ at the bow of the 7th floor, and there is a special duty-free shop at the stern of the 7th floor, which requires tourists to spend gold coins.

    The ordinary duty-free shop in the atrium on the 4th floor does not require money, and it is also the place where Mo Xiaoyao is going to get herself an outfit. Considering that she will participate in similar dungeons in the future, she wants to find herself a pair of comfortable sneakers.

    After getting off the sightseeing elevator, Mo Xiaoyao walked along the corridor on the left, and turned left at the corner. As far as she could see, there were open stores one by one, and each store was guarded by NPC crew members. The store clerks looked different from those with octopus faces.

    They might be female, Mo Xiaoyao guessed. After all, although their skin is also that kind of weird gray-blue, at least their faces don't have their arms and legs twisting randomly.

    Well, their arms and feet were changed to their hair, and every now and then a small section poked out of their uniform red hats, and then, under the polite smiles of the NPC crew, they were casually stuffed back in.

    She had no interest in sizzling squid in her life.

    The store was brightly lit, and the goods were placed in a random pattern on the shelves and counters. Mo Xiaoyao glanced at it and saw that many of the store signs were written on internationally renowned luxury brands. Everything from cosmetics to clothing and bags.

    Mo Xiaoyao was not very sensitive to fashion. She couldn't tell whether the goods inside were the latest of the season, and she was not very interested in them.

    When a crisis comes, can carrying an expensive bag save your life? Might as well get a canvas backpack, at least you can hold two more bottles of water.

    When passing by a perfume shop, Mo Xiaoyao stopped for a while. In addition to the NPC crew members, there was also a woman who clearly belonged to the category of human beings.

    That woman had a beautiful face and an enchanting figure. Every move of her hand and every move she made showed an elegance that Mo Xiaoyao could never learn in this life.

    At this time, the woman was sniffing the smell on her wrist. She should have tried a certain bottle of perfume before. She accidentally raised her head to see Mo Xiaoyao, smiled politely, and then looked down at the other perfumes on the shelf.

    So lovely.

    This was the first thought that popped into Mo Xiaoyao's mind after the woman laughed. Even someone like her who had a problem talking to strangers couldn't help but want to talk to her, not to mention those men.

    But a (socially anxious) patient was a patient after all, and Mo Xiaoyao just froze for a few seconds before walking forward until she came to a sports brand store.

    After choosing two pairs of comfortable sneakers for herself, Mo Xiaoyao went to the shelf and picked out a few T-shirts and casual pants at random. She had to have a few replacements (to change) anyway, didn't she? Oh, she had to look for an underwear store for a while, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

    As for feminine hygiene products, she didn't even think about it. The appendix of "Instructions for Tourists" stated that the woman's closest relative* would not be seen again unless the cruise ship arrived at the destination.

*women's closest relative, you know, menstruation

    In other words, the women on board have lost their ability to ovulate and will have no more children.

    Mo Xiaoyao doesn't know what other people think, and she doesn't care about it. Since she has such traumatic sequelae, she had never planned to harm others in her life.

    But in this way, not having children becomes force majeure, a compulsion. She hoped the spirits of parents in heaven could forgive her.

    Even while thinking wildly, Mo Xiaoyao didn't delay the speed of picking up the clothes. After picking out a few more pleasing clothes, plus a few sports vests, she carried the clothes to the front of the cashier, and put everything on the counter.

    Miss Squidhead reached out to her. Mo Xiaoyao reacted, and then remembered the procedure for purchasing items in the introduction, reached into her pocket, took out the room card and handed it to the NPC. After being tested by the other party, her hands were directly on her chest. There was a cross in front of it, indicating that it cannot be used.

    Seeing Mo Xiaoyao's confused look, the NPC Squidhead Lady didn't speak. She opened and closed her mouth a few times. Soon, an octopus-faced crew member came outside the store.

    "Ma'am, do you need help?" The octopus-faced crew bowed to Mo Xiaoyao first, then took the boat card from Miss Squidhead, glanced at it, and said, "Your boat card has not been identified yet. Binding, please bind it before using it on the ship."

    Mo Xiaoyao pursed her lips and remembered that it was mentioned in the introduction of the cruise ship, but she thought that it would be bound after she opened the room, so she didn't read more. Now, looking at the meaning, there should be other procedures.

    The octopus-faced crew member asked, "Do you need me to take you to bind the card?"

    Mo Xiaoyao nodded, then turned her head to look at the clothes she had selected on the counter.

    The Squidhead clerk took out a blue plastic basket commonly found in supermarkets from under the cashier, swept everything on the counter, and raised her scaly thumb, expressing that she would keep it for Mo Xiaoyao.

    Mo Xiaoyao was very satisfied with this way of communication, and felt that in this way, shopping would not be a problem in the future. Then she happily followed the octopus-faced crew to a machine on the other side of the atrium, directly opposite the glass of the observation ladder.

    According to the instructions on the machine, Mo Xiaoyao first pressed her left hand on the table, took back the black boat card with her right hand from the octopus-faced crew member, and swiped hard on the card slot of the machine, and then felt that there was something pressing on her left palm. Then, looking at the right hand, the black ship card has disappeared.

    The words "operation completed" flashed on the screen of the machine. Mo Xiaoyao withdrew her left hand and stretched out her palm to look at it. She found that there was a small square card miniature at the bottom of the palm near the tiger's mouth*.

*Tiger's mouth is an acupuncture point which is located on the fleshy mound between the thumb and first finger.

    Mo Xiaoyao thought about it, and the card suddenly appeared in the palm of her left hand. After thinking about it again, it disappeared out of thin air. After tossing it back and forth a few times, Mo Xiaoyao felt that this method was good. The card would not be lost when she carried it with her, so she was not afraid that someone would steal or directly snatch the room card.

    When Mo Xiaoyao was testing the card, the octopus-faced crew kept his hands folded in front of him and waited quietly, without the slightest impatience. When Mo Xiaoyao stopped tossing and turned to look up at him, he bowed slightly and spoke again.

    "Your room card has been bound successfully, ma'am, as long as you show your room card when entering or at checkout, you can fully use the facilities of this cruise ship. Do you have any other needs? If not, I will stop here, I wish you a good time on the cruise."

    Mo Xiaoyao waved her hand and watched the octopus-faced NPC walk away from where they came, and then slowly prepared to go back to the shop and pick the one she selected. The clothes are packed and brought back.

    When Miss Squidhead saw Mo Xiaoyao come in, she smiled at her, then took out the basket of clothes, and spread out her hands to ask her for a room key.

    Mo Xiaoyao took the room card out of her left hand and handed it to the NPC, only to find that even the palm of her outstretched palm was covered with scales, but it was a bright pink color, small and cute, which would only make people feel that it looked good, and does not cause uncomfortable symptoms such as intensive phobia.

    The NPC's checkout speed was very fast and very special. She first inserted Mo Xiaoyao's room card into a shell-shaped machine, then picked up a conch and sucked the clothes in the basket. After all the clothes were sucked into the conch, she stopped, took out the room card and returned it to Mo Xiaoyao, with another smile.

    Mo Xiaoyao took the room card back into her body, tilted her head to look at Miss Squidhead, and waited for her to take her clothes out of the conch, or simply give her the conch storage.

    But the NPC seems to have no concept of paying with one hand and delivering with one hand. Seeing Mo Xiaoyao tilting her head to look at her, she also tilted her head to look at Mo Xiaoyao. There was suddenly a "Pfft" laughter.

    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." The slightly hoarse voice didn't make people feel uncomfortable, on the contrary, it had a hazy beauty, like a beauty covered in veil, like a dream.

    Mo Xiaoyao turned around and saw the woman in a red dress with wide sleeves walking in just now, with a smile on her face and pure curiosity in her big sly eyes.

    "I take the liberty to ask, what are you doing? It looks interesting, can you bring me one? Of course, if it's a secret, you don't have to tell me, I'm just curious and ask casually."

    Mo Xiaoyao wanted to look good with this elegant young lady approached, but she just couldn't do it. There were thousands of ways to say hello in her heart, but she couldn't say a word.

    So she walked to a shelf, grabbed a pair of socks, handed them to the NPC, and then took the initiative to hand the card to her. Then the scene just now reappeared. Mo Xiaoyao pointed to the conch, spread her hands, and motioned for the young lady to watch it for herself.

    Then the xiao jiejiesmiled again, her eyebrows were curved, and she became more and more beautiful: "Xiao meimei, is this your first time buying something? After you swipe your card, the things will automatically go to your room. She doesn't give this conch, even though I do want one. Let's get to know each other, my name is Yu Bing, how about you?" Xiao jiejie is so cute! She wants to make friends! But can't speak! Sure enough, under normal circumstances, it was not like the thrilling moments on the small stage, where she felt more open-hearted.

*something like miss, young lady. Literally 'little big sister'. I prefer to use xiaojiejie. Xiaomeimei is the exact opposite, just means little sister.

    Although the thoughts in her mind turned around a dozen times, from the outside, Mo Xiaoyao was always silent.

    Yu Bing smiled again, disregarding Mo Xiaoyao's indifference: "It's alright, don't say it if you don't want to. In this world, you should be cautious. Then, I'll go first, and I'll see you later."

    After speaking, she glanced at Mo Xiaoyao's waist, waved her hand, and turned to leave. Mo Xiaoyao was a little anxious. She didn't want to leave a bad impression on the good-looking young lady. She looked around and finally found a way.

    Picking up the pen that the NPC put on the cashier counter, Mo Xiaoyao wrote down her name and the reason why she couldn't speak as fast as she wanted to. She chased after her in three steps and went around to Yu Bing, slightly startling by the other party. Under her eyes, she shoved the note paper to her, and then ran away.

    Yu Bing stared at the back of Mo Xiaoyao who ran away for a while, then looked down at the words on the note, and suddenly laughed.

    It had been a long time since she met such an interesting xiao meimei. When they meet again next time, if she still needs help, might as well help.

    Should be soon, right? There was a welcome party at 7 o'clock today.

    Ah, she was really looking forward to it all of a sudden.

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