Girls' Dormitory Escape - Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Four Seasons Protection Guide (5)

    In front of the dark room, Zhang You took a deep breath.

    The warm equipment distributed by the student union made her slumped and breathless, but it really worked. At least now she could walk normally in the freezing temperature.

    The student council members looked at her sullenly from behind her, which reminded Zhang You of the scene where the previous boy was dragged into the swamp on the ice.

    Through the mist on the dark swamp, it could only be vaguely seen that it was a monster that looked like a giant loach and a black snake. The strength of human beings was too weak in front of monsters, and the boy didn't even have the strength to resist and struggle, so he was directly engulfed and disappeared.

    Zhang You couldn't even remember his name, but the despair, coldness, severe pain, and loss of consciousness when struggling, seemed to be transmitted to her senses along the mist, filling her limbs with cold air, and terrified her thoughts.

    Zhang You tried her best to calm down.

    She knew that Tang Xinjue would not do useless things. Since she was "forcing" the students to choose this place as the inspection site, it meant that there was a chance to help them pass the dungeon.

    With 100% concentration, Zhang You pushed open the door of the lounge.

    "Okay, classmate Zhang You has arrived at the door of the lounge, let's pray that she won't be too afraid of the dark... why don't you enter?"

    Lili coughed in her throat and reminded: "Does Classmate Zhang want to give up temporarily? In the spirit of humanitarianism, we can accept that. After all, is the punishment for breaking the rules more severe, or the result of failing to answer the question more cruel? Tsk tsk tsk, this requires the students to find the answer by themselves."

    Zhang You still did not speak, for a long few seconds, then her hesitant voice came out: "I want to contact my roommate."

    Lili: ? ? ? Are you addicted to outside help?

    "No!" She screamed without thinking, but Tang Xinjue's call was faster than hers, and the connection was automatically connected.

    "Please tell Zhang You, I'm here."

    Through the phone, Tang Xinjue was like a sedative, which made Zhang You's tense nerves relax a little, but she still did not continue to move, as if she was thinking of a struggle.

    Tang Xinjue immediately noticed the abnormality of her roommate, and said to the student council, "I want to make a video call with my roommate."

    Lili: ... Are they really using them as tools, bossing them around?

    "No." The student council refused without hesitation: "There is no such rule."

    "But my roommate suffers from congenital color weakness." Tang Xinjue also did not hesitate.

    Lili sneered: "There is no light in the lounge, and the color weakness doesn't affect her movement."

    "But in addition, she suffers from dark phobia, claustrophobia-induced heart twitch complications, and multiple body fractures that cause sequelae of limbs incoordination, a history of epilepsy, intermittent visual blindness due to severe chromatic atrophy - to sum up, my roommate, a severely handicapped person, is not a complete person in the strict sense. Only when we are videocalling, I can be responsible for helping her see the way, and we can cooperate to complete a normal human action system." Tang Xinjue answered fluently.

    Zhang You, who suddenly had more than a dozen diseases and was forced to become a disabled person: "..."

    Student Council: "..."

    The scene was deadlocked for about half a minute, and the other side reluctantly complied with their request.

    Lili almost viciously reminded: "There was only one hour left for you. If you exceed this time, it will still be considered a failure."

    After finally successfully connecting the video call, Tang Xinjue could feel that Zhang You's hand was trembling slightly, but she had no time to talk. She immediately asked the other party to turn the camera of the phone, and there was more darkness in front of her.

    Thick, cold, hidden things gathered in the room in front of them. It instantly reminded people of the darkness that couldn't be dissipated outside the bedroom when the game came on the first day.

    Zhang You said softly: "Before this exam, I exchanged a limited-time item from the mall, which can remind me of the maliciousness around me."

    If it was next to the "Student Union", the maliciousness it reminded was almost overflowing. Then at the door of this lounge, the item almost blew itself up in Zhang You's pocket.

    This was also the reason why Zhang You did not dare to move and had to make a video call with Tang Xinjue and others.

    Ghosts and ghouls hid in the darkness, and she could hardly imagine how many inhuman beings were spying in the darkness in front of her.

    At this moment, in the dormitory, not only Tang Xinjue was staring at the phone screen, but Guo Guo was also staring while trembling.

    [Yin-yang eye (primary): It can help you distinguish ghosts and ghouls better, and the world will be more colorful in your eyes.]

    This was the yin-yang eye ability that Guo Guo had just gained, and it was a natural choice to use it at this moment.

    She gritted her teeth and looked at it (the phone screen) for a long time, then said in a trembling voice, "I feel like there are shadows inside, there are also shadows on the left, and there are also on the right, one on top of another..."

    How many ghosts were there in this room!

    "It doesn't matter, you are only responsible for what you see and what to say, and by the way, this can also be used to train and get experience - after all, there are not many opportunities to train without actual combat." After comforting Guo Guo, Tang Xinjue opened her mouth and said to Zhang You: "Back up, then go left, now we can come in."

    With the harsh sound of friction, the door of the lounge was completely pushed open, and the colder temperature than even the outside made her shudder violently.

    "Don't look back, don't look to any side, look straight ahead, and continue to turn left."

    Zhang You turned around in accordance with the voice in her ear.

    Tang Xinjue: "Go forward, there is a wall, there should be a light switch. Wait, you are shaking, why?"

    Her roommate took a deep breath and tried her best to control her voice: "I heard someone calling my name behind me. "

    "Don't believe it, that's not a human."

    "But..." Zhang You gritted her teeth, "The voice is getting closer."

    At first, it was far away, and every time it shouted, it got closer to her. The shouts... were clearly behind her!

    Tang Xinjue squinted: "Squat down!"

    Zhang You squatted down quickly, a cold wind blew past the original position above her head, and with the murmur that faded away like a tide, the room returned to silence.

    Her heart almost jumped out of her chest. Zhang You felt a layer of cold sweat on her body, and it quickly stuck to her skin in the cold weather, which felt very uncomfortable.

    "That should be a long-tongued ghost."

    Tang Xinjue explained succinctly.

    In fact, the monsters in the nightmare did not have names, and she chose these names according to their characteristics.

    Long-tongued ghosts, as the name suggests, could speak with their tongues, imitating human voices to call in the dark, but their bodies only consisted of a slender tongue, which was specially designed to hide behind people and swallow their heads.

    Zhang You paused for two seconds, then suddenly frowned and sniffed twice: "I seem to smell a strange smell. It's very stinky, very sour, a bit like a dead mouse, but..." Her voice condensed slightly. "And there is a smell of blood."

    She didn't feel it when she was standing just now, and she didn't smell anything strange in the air close to the ground until she squatted down. And the smell seems to be evenly distributed in the room, not from any direction.

    "If you can't find the direction, it means it's everywhere." Tang Xinjue said lightly, "Long-tongued ghosts often came out of heaps of dead bodies. There should be at least several corpses in this room."

    Zhang You: ......don't say such things in such a calm tone, she would still be scared!

     Fortunately, Tang Xinjue did not continue to describe, Guo Guo also added in a low voice: "There are many shadows on the left and right, but just now, where the long-tongued ghost pounced, it is still there, and there seem to be many shadows next to it."

    Tang Xinjue was thoughtful, and then suddenly directed Zhang You to walk in the direction that the long-tongued ghost had just pounced on. "Long-tongued ghosts are one of the few ghosts with IQ. They should guard the light source and prevent you from passing by."

    As required, Zhang You turned Tang Xinjue's face on the video screen into the darkness, and asked carefully, "This will improve my chance of avoiding danger?"

    Tang Xinjue: "No, when they come up, we will see their appearance more clearly."

    Zhang You: I cried*.

    Guo Guo: I cried too!

*哭了: ku le. Literally means to cry. Not sure what slang this references, maybe a song, or some meme. But Xinjue is really... haha

    Having said that, when Zhang You successfully moved to the vicinity of the light source and the ghosts hidden in the darkness swarmed up, Tang Xinjue and Guo Guo immediately judged the least dangerous direction of action and helped her dodge left and right.

    [You are being eroded by some existence, health points -10]

    [Your spirit is under continuous attack, san value is rapidly declining]

    [You have obtained negative buff: blood flow]

    [You have obtained negative buff: frostbite]


    It was impossible to avoid all the monsters in the dark. They came up in layers, making Zhang You's already greatly weakened physique even worse. Tang Xinjue frowned, trying to distinguish every ghost in the shortest possible time.

    Suddenly, she seemed to see something, her eyes sharpened, and she shouted sharply: "There is a big head on the left! Hit it!"

    Zhang You actually couldn't see the "big head" at all. She jumped to the left by instinct, and then she felt a strong malice as all the hair in her body stood up.

    It's just that this maliciousness was not aimed at her... but the video screen in her hand?

    In the dorm, Tang Xinjue put down the phone, held the toilet plunger in her hand, and pushed the other two roommates who seemed to be jumping up and down to the distance.

    "This kind of ghost is called a Phantom, and it has the ability to travel through space with the help of electronic equipment."

    Guo Guo and Zheng Wanqing: "!!!"

    Can it travel through electronic equipment?? That phone...

    It was too late, but before the words fell, a thin, dark hand suddenly stretched out from the screen of the phone, and grabbed straight at Tang Xinjue!

    [Ding Dong, attacked by high-level ghosts, triggering passive buff: Light of the Right Path]

    [The Light of the Right Path, shines on the ground!]

    A dazzling golden light suddenly erupted from Tang Xinjue's body, illuminating the distance of several square meters as if the sun was shining, but two seconds later, it disappeared and disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared.

    And the skinny arm that just stretched out a whole section has been caught off guard and roasted to become charred and air-dried, dropping two pieces of slag.

    Before it shattered, Tang Xinjue pressed the toilet plunger button, and a stream of water came out of the rubber head, which instantly froze on the arm, turning it into a long popsicle, snapped it off and put it to the side.

    Zhang You, who witnessed all this, opened her mouth silently, and on her side, the situation suddenly changed.

    The influence of [Light of the Right Path] did not seem to be limited by the screen of the mobile phone. The moment it erupted, the ghosts near Zhang You also retreated several meters. She took the opportunity to touch the wall and find the light switch.

    At the same time, Lili's surprised and thoughtless voice sounded on the radio: "She didn't die... Cough, classmate Zhang succeeded?"

     "Pa da!"

      The switch was pressed hard by Zhang You, and the cold white light illuminated the lounge.

    The creatures that roamed in the dark disappeared under the light, and the indoor scene clearly fell into everyone's eyes. 

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