Girls' Dormitory Escape - Chapter 16: Four Seasons Protection Guide

Chapter 16: Four Seasons Protection Guide

     The old radio rustled: "The interview time is limited, we only have to wait for 30 seconds."

    "30 seconds! We have to hurry up!"

    Guo Guo and Zheng Wanqing threw the quilt on the radio when they heard Zhang You wanted to ask for help from her roommates before, and then immediately found out: they didn't know how to contact this station at all!

    The student union didn't even say their phone number. It was obvious she was digging a hole* on purpose. Whether they can answer the question or not was another matter. If they can't make a successful call, then they wouldn't even have the possibility of helping Zhang You delay time.

*creating a trap for them to just waltz into

    Among the three, Tang Xinjue remained silent, her eyes focused on the radio.

    "There are only 20 seconds left. We haven't received any calls~" Lily's sweet voice was accompanied by giggles, which did not conceal the maliciousness in her tone.

    On the radio, Zhang You anxiously fought for a chance for herself, but only got a cold answer.

    [—We don’t need reminders, all the students in the school know how to contact us, that’s normal, isn’t it?]

    These words lingered in her ears, and Tang Xinjue's eyes moved.

    The next moment, she picked up the phone and dialed a number. Her roommates asked in amazement: "How do you know the number of the radio station?"

    "In the school, everyone knows about the student council, so it is normal for its contact number to be posted in the corridor of a dormitory building."

    The game doesn't give any completely unsolvable dead ends. Recalling the various posters hanging on the walls on both sides of the corridor when he just walked back to the bedroom, Tang Xinjue pressed the dial number: "One-third chance."

    Her instant memory helped her remember part of it. Tang Xinjue could remember all three strings of numbers, but she couldn't remember which clubs and activities they belong to. They only had two chances of trial and error before the countdown was over.

    Fortunately, the first time she tried, the sound of the connection being connected rang.

    The person who answered the phone was Lili. Perhaps it was through unstable electromagnetic waves that her voice sounds a little bit gritted: "Hello, this is the student union."

    "I'm Zhang You's roommate." Tang Xinjue's voice was as gentle as ever. "I just listened to the radio, you will solve the heating problem for us, won't you?"

    Faced with the sudden reversal of host and guest*, the voice in the phone choked. Lily's prepared words were blocked, and she laughed fakely: "Of course. ...after all, the school will not sit back and watch all the students freeze to death. However, whether a solution can be found depends on whether the answers given by the students are correct."

*an idiom. The original meaning of this idiom is to make full use of opportunities, gradually from weak to strong, to form forces, and finally to control the situation. Now it is often used as a metaphor to change the passive situation by some means or method to form a situation of active control.

    Just through interviews, asking students to answer a few questions could change the heating system? From a practical point of view, this was obviously untenable logic.

    So there was only one possibility - this was one of the level tasks of the exam.

    Tang Xinjue agreed without hesitation: "Okay."

    [Ding dong, task reminder: Please cooperate with the broadcast of the student union to find the real cause of the heating failure and help the whole school to spend the night of cooling down.]

    [If the task is completed, the winter will end early]

    They triggered a new task!

    Several people in the dormitory exchanged brightened eyes, and then heard a question from the other side of the phone:

    "Then, dear classmate, what is your name?"

    "Tang Xinjue."

    "Very well, we will remember this cute name. Then, I believe you will be able to help your roommate answer this question - do you know the reason for this heating failure?"

    Facing the question, Tang Xinjue pondered for two seconds: "I can offer a few ideas."

    "First of all, heating is mainly provided by electric facilities, and from the point of view of the failure of all electric energy sources in the dormitory, the failure of heating may be due to a problem with the circuit network in the school."

    "Very good." Lili couldn't wait to interrupt: "This is your answer?"

    Before Lili could continue to speak, Tang Xinjue continued speaking at a clear and uninterrupted pace: "Certainly, as a thoughtful university for its students, it will not simply rely on electrical energy to maintain the complex project of heating in winter."

    Lili: "..."

    "So I prefer that the pipes in the school also failed. Because in the morning, my roommate had to dredge the frozen pipes. So it is very likely that there are blockages in the pipes, resulting in the inability to provide heating measures such as hot water and heating.”

    “Oh—then this is Student Tang’s answer—”

    “And, after combining the above two points, I have come up with a new possibility. That is, from a biological and artificial point of view, because this cooling came too suddenly, many people were frozen outdoors without taking proper measures to keep warm, so it is also possible that the staff responsible for heating accidentally suffered accidental injuries such as frostbite, and so it affects the heating of the school."

    Tang Xinjue didn't pause for a second, as smooth as reading a manuscript, finishing three points in one go.

    "...So, what exactly is your answer?"

    Lili's voice was holding back her irritation with all her might: "Student Tang, our radio time is limited, please give a clear answer."

    "Calm down, classmate Lili." Tang Xinjue smiled instead, "My final answer is that due to the combination of physical, biological, coincidental and other factors, today's heating has suffered an irresistible delay, but I believe that students will definitely have a way to fix it as soon as possible. Over."


    "Well, um, well, we've received your answer. Since that's the case, let's wait and see if it's correct." The call was rudely hung up, and it was obvious that the opposite party didn't want to listen to Tang Xinjue's speech anymore.

    The dormitory was quiet for a moment, until the radio started rustling again, and her roommates recovered from their stunned state and asked, "Where did you find this information...?"

    In comparison, they seemed to have passed the fake four hours. In addition to "lying down and freeze to death", there was nothing to notice.

    Tang Xinjue let out a sigh of relief: "It's made up now."

    Three years of liberal arts plus three years of Chinese major, relying on the skills to quickly fill up the paper even if you don't know a single point of knowledge, she summed it up temporarily into three points, covering almost all possibilities. The points could even be spread out, referred to as doing Tai Chi*.

*means like a Tai Chi push-hand in practicing Tai Chi. Alluding to push things back and forth, not making a clear statement, being vague and not telling the truth

    Roommates: "..."

    There were no words to describe, only awesome.

    Next, on the radio, the student council began to interview the next person. Lili smirked and asked, "It's still the same question. The student council hopes you can give an answer within thirty seconds." After taking Tang Xinjue's lesson, this time the time limit has been added.

    "I, I..." The second boy almost stuttered and repeated half of Tang Xinjue's words.

    After he finished speaking, Lily smiled happily: "Oh, it's a pity, you and the previous classmate's interview answer repeated more than 30%, and the answer is invalid~"

    "No, I can say it again, no, um!"

    After struggling twice, the boy was silent, and there was a faint sobbing of a girl in the distance, who was the next person to be interviewed.

    Outside the radio, Guo Guo said in a low voice, "Are the latter interviewees real students, or?"

    If they were real students, it means that there are not only their dormitories in this exam, but also other "examiners", and there might even be some people who have already been eliminated at the beginning.

    Tang Xinjue frowned, "There is a 70% chance that they are of the same kind as us."

    As for the so-called student union, it is 100% not human.

    Later, they interviewed four more people, and she could tell that they were all college students. There was an uncontrollable panic in their voices, and the struggle when they were eliminated also sounded hoarse. The calmest person inside was actually Zhang You.

    In the end, only Zhang You and a boy survived with the answer that "natural disasters led to the birth of monsters and destroyed the heating".

    Only then did the three roommates in the dormitory breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the state of her speech, Zhang You should have some measures to keep herself warm at this time, and there was no danger of frostbite for the time being.

    Lili picked up the microphone in a sweet voice: "Then next, it's our field trip time~"

    "Both classmates gave very reliable answers, from which, the student union detected four optional inspection sites, these are—"

    "One, the power generation room; two, the water supply room; three, the heating staff restroom; Where to go first? Where to go next? Where can I find the truth, one at all? The choice is left to the classmates in front of the radio! Your votes will determine the final location!"

    "Friendly reminder: There are only three voting hours. Minutes, each student can only cast one vote~" The radio suddenly fell silent, as if waiting for something.

    Tang Xinjue was the first to react, "We have to choose an option immediately, and then send the text message."

    Guo Guo's red nose took a sharp breath, her eyes widened and she asked, "If you can't choose, what will you do?"

    "If you can't choose, it will be decided by [other classmates]."

    When Tang Xinjue's face was gloomy, she naturally exuded an aura that strangers should not approach. Guo Guo and Zheng Wanqing knew that this was her appearance when she was thinking about the problem quickly.

    Tang Xinjue was indeed thinking.

    Countless possibilities swirled in her mind, shaping and stripping away, and one by one, the corresponding answers were derived.

    The language trap of the student union, too little information, the four options correspond to the four possibilities proposed by her and another boy. In a way, her answer widens the options, but only if there are the right options.

    Assuming that there was really a correct option, if you want the option to be selected, you still need to go through the voting process. Who is the main body of the vote? The "examinee?" who was pulled into the survival game like them, or the existence of the "Student Council"?

    If it is the former, then the accuracy rate will undoubtedly increase, because they have the same purpose - to end the winter before they freeze to death.

    And if it's the latter...their purpose is obviously the exact opposite of them.

    The former is for life, the latter is for death. This logic took shape in her mind, and Tang Xinjue felt relieved, and she immediately thought of a way.

    She asked her roommate to take out her mobile phone: "In my answer, we will vote for one of the first three position options involved."

    "Ah?" Guo Guo was at a loss, "Isn't it impossible to choose?

    "Choose." Tang Xinjue pressed the send button, her eyes were clear: "Someone will help us choose."

    ——"Ding dong, three minutes are up!"

    Lili's voice was a little excited, she seemed to swallow her saliva before reading the result: "Let's take a look, ah, there are a full seventy-five percent of the audience choose [School Swamp], 15 percent of the audience chose [Power Room], 8 percent chose [Water Room], and only 2 percent chose [Heating Staff Rest Room]. It seems that the result is obvious."

    She giggled: "Our first field trip will be [School Swamp]!"

    "So, let's see you in an hour~"

    "Damn, why wait another hour?"

    If it wasn't for the worry that the old radio would broke down, Zheng Wanqing wanted to reach out and shoot it flying.

    They were so cold now that they were almost unconscious, hurt and hungry, and they felt suffocated at the thought of waiting for another hour.

    "By the way, is it possible to find the truth about heating in this swamp?" Guo Guo was full of worries.

    Tang Xinjue said firmly: "Impossible."


    This time Guo Guo really wanted to cry, "Really, really? This is bad news, right?"

    If she read it right, Tang Xinjue seemed to be still relaxed herself?

    Guo Guo didn't understand, and Zheng Wanqing didn't understand. The two roommates huddled in down jackets and quilts, staring at Tang Xinjue with confused black eyes.

    "Among the four options, swamp is the most unlikely to be correct." Tang Xinjue explained.

    If Tang Xinjue's answer was at least a formula based on the tasks of the three people in the morning and the situation in the dormitory, then the boy's answer was obviously made up, and he was judged to pass only by pretending to be calm.

    If the students who participated in the exam voted, even if they voted blindly, they would not vote for this item.

    "But now, the most outrageous option has won overwhelmingly with more than 70% of the votes. What does this mean?" Her roommates thought for a while, and their faces gradually turned pale:

    "It means...they don't want the correct answer to be selected?" Were they deliberately choose wrongly?

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2 تعليقات

  1. I'm not following her logic here, yes, the ghosts want them to lose, what do we do now?

    1. Her line of thought will be revealed in the next chapter...


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