Girls' Dormitory Escape - Chapter 92

Chapter 92: Surprise Hygiene Inspection

    Perhaps stimulated by the death of his companions, the boy ghost was now so desperate for survival that he didn't want to face the school authorities head-on at all. He only wanted to hurry back home and find his mother.

    Under his guidance, the crowd walked to the end of the corridor and found two wooden doors behind the plastered walls. A cracked hole had been dug through the door on the right, barely big enough for someone to squeeze in sideways.

    The black liquid was all around. The boy ghost didn't care about it rubbing against their bodies, and it couldn't wait to squeeze inside. It urged them, “Hurry up, it doesn't matter if you touch this thing. I've tried it countless times, it doesn't hurt, don't be melodramatic.”

    Tang Xinjue still took a bunch of plastic raincoat-like props from Zhang You's storage bag, and sent them to the crowd to drape over their bodies, preventing their exposed skin from being covered by the black liquid.

    “Be careful.”

    After preparing everything up, they then dug in.

    “This is the... male dormitory?”

    The lights were turned on, and after a few seconds of easing their eyes that had just adapted to the darkness, the crowd was shocked for a split second by the scene inside the room in front of them.

    The entire dormitory looked like it just experienced a hurricane. The tables, chairs and beds were all overturned, broken glass, wood slag, and all kinds of blood splattered on the ground, there was nowhere to step.

    The four walls were covered with traces of blood dripping down. Without even having to think about it, one would know how fierce a battle had happened here before.

    The male ghost bent down and quickly went through, “Tsk, tsk, if you guys hadn't united with the gang of ghosts in the female dormitory, it would be the same as here now.”

    It was still a bit disappointed that it didn't see the bloodshed in the female dormitory.

    Passing through this dormitory, it entered another corridor - from the layout, this place was exactly the same as the women's dormitory. There were also three dorm rooms and one bathroom, only that the door numbers of the dorm rooms here were 916, 918 and 920 respectively.

    “No wonder our side of the dormitory number only has an odd number, the original even number is here!”

    Guo Guo came to a realization, carefully surveying the surrounding area, as if opening the door to a new world.

    Not only Guo Guo, everyone's mood was a bit subtle.

    Although on the same floor and in the same dungeon, in reality, it was divided into the male and female dormitory, two “examination rooms”. The examination information does not reveal that there is another side of the existence of the test. If it was not for catching the ghosts and monsters that came out of the male dormitory, they might not have found this place at all.

    Now that they have passed through the barriers to the male dormitory, one can't help but feel that they have crossed two exams, or even entered another dungeon through the broken walls.

    “This should be the location where the candidates initially entered.”

    Tang Xinjue pushed open 916's hidden door, only to be greeted by a strong burning smell.

    Only the interior of the room was scorched black, with all the furnishings and structures having become ashes, leaving only a few metal poles supporting the beds standing crookedly on the ground. If the group hadn't known in advance what this room was used for, they wouldn't have guessed that it was originally a dormitory.

    The boy ghost seemed to recall certain scenes as he hemmed and hawed, “At that time, us brothers made a preemptive strike and grabbed a few very nice bodies. The people were still alive when we occupied them, and we were even able to use the supernatural abilities that belonged to them. The roommates of these unlucky bastards were still unclear about the situation and didn't dare to lay their hands on us... Later, the other candidates thought of a cruel trick, directly locking up a few of our brothers in their dormitories, and burning them cleanly with a single fire.”

    “Fortunately, lao zi* reacted quickly and came out of that body in time to strike at a different target.”

    *laozi, literally ‘old man’. A third-person way to call oneself, arrogant way to show swagger and superiority

    Speaking here, he grinned and ruffled up his hair, showing it to the crowd, “Look at this body of mine, it's the guy with fire psychic ability at that time. Maybe those with psychic abilities are more tenacious than ordinary people, you guys don't know how long he struggled at that time... ouch!”

    The male ghost wailed and covered his stomach. It turned out that No. 7 had just viciously kneed him, and her voice oozed coldly, “In your eyes, human beings are no longer the same kind of people, they are just pork to be slaughtered. Oh, it's just a pity that in the eyes of those ghosts and monsters in the Academic Affairs Office, you are the same, stupid monsters.”

    As the words “stupid monsters” came out of her teeth, No. 7's eyes were filled with strong disgust, not just for the boy ghosts, but for the entire ghost community.

    Jiang Lan sighed slightly, “In the world of the game, whoever is strong is the hunter, and whoever is weak becomes the prey. Ordinary candidates are the prey of the ghosts and monsters, and the ghosts and monsters may also become the prey of the stronger ones. Everyone has to face life and death and crisis at every turn, all we can do is try to survive. At least don't die at the hands of such idiots.”

    Boy ghost: “...”

    It had wanted to describe the candidate's death scene to disgust the crowd, but now it could only resentfully collect its thoughts and turn its head to look around the house.

    Guo Guo whispered, “Actually, it's not necessarily true, there are many kinds of NPCs. There are those that are full of malice towards people, and there are also those that hold good intentions.”

    Zhang You held her hand and reminded her not to say too much. Guo Guo shrank her neck in uncertainty, and when she turned her head, she met No. 7's cold eyes.


    No.7 turned her head expressionlessly, “Even the kindest ghosts and monsters feed on eating people. To inflict unnecessary kindness and sympathy on ghosts and monsters is to get your own companions killed.”

    With that said, she stopped talking and followed the boy ghost closely to keep watch on it, lest it would make a mess of things.

    After circling the room full of ashes but not finding any valuable clues, the boy ghost scratched its head, “It's been too long, my memory isn't very good. Maybe it's not this dormitory, it's in 920!”

    It hastily swooped out and pushed open the door to 920. A corpse suddenly planted itself from the door and fell straight down in front of the crowd, frightening a few people into short shrieks of surprise.

    The corpse had decayed to the point that only its skeleton remained, and from its clothes, it could be recognized as a young boy, with several very familiar protective talismans clutched tightly in his hands.

    This was a candidate who had died in a dungeon.

    The boy ghost habitually kicked the corpse away and disappeared inside the door with a shrinking body. The group rushed to follow, and the most timid Guo Guo had to walk in stiffly, pretending not to see the corpse's pitch-black eyes that seemed to be staring at them intently.

    The appearance of dormitory 920 was even more gruesome than the other two dormitories.

    Broken limbs, shredded flesh, and dead heads were scattered in any corner where they might be seen. The four walls were drenched in blood, coloring the entire room a rich blood red, as if it was hell on earth.

    The novelty of entering the male dormitory was quickly replaced by heaviness, and no one could still smile at the sight.

    “Ah, found it!”

    The boy ghost found the bed with number 16 and ecstatically moved this bed, banging on the floor underneath it before finally tearing open a crack and burying his entire head inside.

    “What are you doing?”

    When she didn't get an answer, Tang Xinjue didn't have the patience to wait, and just sucked it out with the toilet plunger.

    Who would have guessed that along with the boy ghost's head, there was also a ball of red silk thread that it was desperately chewing on in its mouth.

    —What is this?

    The boy ghost opened his mouth and replied vaguely, “This is what I said, the thing that can break the seal...”

    As he spoke he swallowed hard, surprisingly gulping down an entire ball of silk thread!

    As he swallowed the red silk thread, the boy's body, which had already begun to rot, actually slowly changed. The swollen skin became tight, and the open wounds disappeared. Without carefully distinguishing it, it was now no different from a living person.

    “See.” The boy ghost grinned once again, “These red threads hidden in the ground are what will allow us to leave the male dormitory! It's just a shame they don't last very long, and you have to take a little more every now and then. Also you need to dig through the ground to get to them. I can only dig this much of a hole even with my hands rotting, how much you guys can take is up to you.”

    Saying this he buried his waist and lowered his head again, sticking his head into the hole with a shrug and began to nibble.

    The rest of them looked at each other in disbelief. They originally did not really believe that the boy ghost can come up with any “direct passage” artifacts, and even have been prepared to be deceived, but did not expect that there really was this kind of thing... red silk thread?

    Tang Xinjue tried the hardness of the ground. It was indeed harder than the general cement floor, but not without a way. As long as there were tools or special powers, it could still be dug.

    No. 5 No. 6 wanted to use a flamethrower but was rejected. After all, if the flames accidentally caught the red threads, it was likely that they would just burn it all up, and their efforts here would be lost.

    In the end it was Zheng Wanqing's fist skill that was best suited to demolish the ground. At the same time, No. 7 stepped out, and with a flick of her wrist a dagger appeared. This was the first time she had ever flashed her own weapon.

    “You demolish and I'll dig.”

    No. 7 was concise.

    The two of them assisted each other, and the ground really appeared a crack at an extremely fast speed, which then changed from a crack to an opening, revealing a starry red color inside.

    “There really are red threads, so many... here too!”

    The others also weren't idle. Utilizing the props they found, they dug hard on the ground. After a short while they saw the red threads that the boys' ghosts had spoken of, like being sewn in the ground in a mass of entanglement, and when they dug it out, they could still feel the boiling hot temperature on top of it.

    Seeing the results, the speed of the crowd became faster and faster, and more and more areas of the ground were dug open. The large pieces of exposed red threads made the boy ghosts drool, its cloudy eyes lighted up, and if it wasn't for its fear of the people here, it would probably pounce on those things directly and devour them.

    Among the group, only Guo Guo stood alone in the corner, neither participating in the work of digging red threads, nor showing any color of joy.

    [That, don't you guys think it's strange? Why are so many red threads buried underground ah? Why would eating it break the seal?]

    Guo Guo spat in a whisper in the mind chat group. For some reason, she'd rather stay in the corner with the corpses of the male dormitory candidates than get close to these red threads. Once she touched them, she got dizzy and wanted to vomit.

    Tang Xinjue also touched the red threads. She covered her spiritual power on her hand to feel it carefully, and along with the scalding heat, the red threads seemed to be trembling slightly... just like a heart beating.

    However, this was only a flickering sensation, when she opened her eyes again, the red thread was still in a static state, looking no different from an ordinary silk thread.

    “Just take out some of them first, don't be greedy.” She instructed the people nearby, “These red threads are useful to ghosts and monsters, but they may not be good for us. We need to deliver them to Jiang tongxue and the others as soon as possible. Be careful to always wear gloves and never touch... directly.”


    No. 5 suddenly exclaimed, the crowd immediately looked over, only to see that she fell to the ground. The gloves on her hands had been cut with a slit at some point, and beads of blood pattered downwards along the slit, trickling drop by drop onto the red thread, which was quickly absorbed cleanly.

    It was unknown if it was the crowd's illusion, the color of the red threads seemed to be even more vivid.

    “Just now, this thread suddenly became particularly hard, and when my hand touched, it accidentally got cut.” No. 5 raised her hand to explain. She didn't care about the pain in her hand, and carefully put the red thread aside first, lest something change.

    Tang Xinjue rushed to No. 5's side and threw an Appraisal to the ball of red thread on the ground.

    [Appraisal: A mass of red silk thread, not sure what it was used for. Perhaps be careful not to wrap it around your neck, it could potentially separate your body from your head].

    Looking at the appraisal result, Tang Xinjue seemed to remember something for a moment, but when she pondered it again, she couldn't find it.

    The silk thread that had sucked blood had already softened again, and after waiting for about four or five minutes, no other changes occurred. The crowd then put it aside for now, and discreetly took out the other red threads and stored them in glass bottles and isolation bags.

    The boy ghost gulped straight at the remaining red threads, “Can I eat these?”

    Tang Xinjue glanced over, “You can eat them if you want, we still have the last ten seconds left to clean up.”

    Before the words fell, the other party could not wait to plop down and start gobbling, the red threads were being constantly chewed into the boy's mouth and throat. This scene was both bizarre and disgusting when it fell on the eyes.

    “Alright, let's get going.”

    The others over there put away the red thread. Jiang Lan and the others closest to the doorway had already taken the lead and were about to leave.


    Without any wind, the door to the dormitory suddenly closed firmly.

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