Girls' Dormitory Escape - Chapter 83

Chapter 83: Surprise Hygiene Inspection

    "You said you would chat with me, how can you leave? I still have something to give you..."

    The voice of No. 13 behind her entered her ears, but it was a strange hoarse female voice. It stung Ou Ruofei's neural network like a reptile.

    "I don't want it, I don't want to see it, let me go back!"

    Ou Ruofei wanted to run, but her legs seemed to be filled with lead, and she could only move slowly on the ground, with tears rolling wildly in her eyes. She regretted why she was like a lost soul just now, and she was so confused that she didn't notice anything.

    It was not until the protective necklace on her neck suddenly broke into pieces, and the sharp pieces cut her skin. When she felt the pain, she suddenly woke up and finally remembered to run away.

    Her legs seemed to be stuck in the mud and couldn't move. Ou Ruofei almost collapsed, shouting for help, hoping that the other people sleeping in the dormitory could wake up.

    The dormitory was quiet, as if no one heard her cry for help. Ou Ruofei desperately moved forward and finally moved to her bed. She remembered that she had hidden the remaining protection necklace under her pillow. As long as she got it…

    A rustling sound came from above her head, like a gauze curtain moving. She looked up and saw that the curtain of the upper bunk in front of her had opened a gap at some point, and No. 15's face was stuck in the gap, staring at her lifelessly.

    Ou Ruofei collapsed and screamed, not because of No. 15's head, but because her wrist was grabbed. In order to break free, she turned around subconsciously and bumped into a pair of dark eyeballs.

    And a pale face that was so close that it filled her entire field of vision.



    Tang Xinjue kicked the door open, and the two of them broke into the dormitory one after another. As far as the eye could see, the dormitory was extremely quiet. Everyone was sleeping peacefully in their own beds, without any trace of the accident scene.

    Jiang Lan frowned: "Are you sure the cry for help you heard was in the dormitory?"

    Tang Xinjue remained silent. The extreme fear still remained in her mental perception, but the main body of fear seemed to have evaporated.

    She walked to Ou Ruofei's bed No. 14 without hesitation, opened the bed curtain, and the girl lay calmly on the bed, without any fear on her face.

    Is her perception wrong? Or…

    She contacted Guo Guo and others in her mind, and at the same time Jiang Lan also strode to her roommate's bed. The next moment, the two turned their heads at the same time and looked at each other: "This is not our dormitory!"

    Guo Guo was woken up with sleepy eyes, and a broom was handed to her before she woke up.

    Yes, a new day had come, and she had to go clean up.

    After sweeping a few times, No. 13 suddenly stopped her: "Today the order has changed, you go to the bathroom to clean."

    Looking at the smile on No. 13's face, Guo Guo was stunned for a moment but didn't think too much. Soon, she yawned and walked to the bathroom. She saw No. 15 who was wiping the mirror and greeted her: "Good morning."

    No. 15 didn't answer, but continued to wipe the mirror slowly. The rag made a harsh friction sound on the glass. Guo Guo felt that something seemed to be wrong. She looked at the broom in her hand, but couldn't remember it. So she made conversation: "By the way, have you seen my roommates? Why didn't I see them..."

    Before she finished speaking, the broom swept a hard box, and her voice paused. No. 15 slowly said: "This is a gift from me to you, pick it up and have a look."

    Guo Guo: ... When you give someone a gift, you just throw it on the ground for someone to pick it up?

    She opened her eyes wide and stared at the box on the ground for a long time. She didn't bend down, but swallowed twice.

    For some reason, she was somewhat resistant. The dull pain between her eyebrows seemed to be telling her something.

    No. 15 was still urging, and Guo Guo subconsciously replied: "Why don't you pick it up yourself?"

    There was silence behind her.

    In the silence, Guo Guo finally saw the source of her feeling that something was wrong - the Yin-Yang Eyes gradually worked in the stinging pain, and she witnessed a black gas escaping from the ground and covering the box.

    Guo Guo: "..."

    No. 15's light voice sounded from behind: "I also want to help you pick it up, but my hand was caught, it hurts so much..."

    Guo Guo turned her head stiffly and looked at the girl standing upright in front of the mirror, and a mirror with blood flowing came into view.

    It turned out that No. 15 didn't use a rag to wipe the mirror just now, but used her own hand - the girl's entire wrist was immersed in the mirror. Every time she moved, her skin was cut by the sharp mirror, and blood flowed out during the movement.

    In her vision, the girl in the mirror rolled her eyes and gave her a weird smile.

    This was not the face of No. 15 at all!

    Guo Guo screamed loudly, frantically calling other roommates in her mind, and turned around to open the door and run away.

    However, the bathroom door was locked tightly, and no matter how hard she knocked, she couldn't open it, and there was no response in her mind.

    "Help! Jue Shen! Da xiaojie! You jie!" Guo Guo knocked on the door desperately, and suddenly remembered that there was an APP, and hurriedly took out her mobile phone in a panic-

    A distorted girl's face was reflected on the screen, and No. 13 was wrapped in tape on her mouth, squeezing out a deformed smile.

    Reflexively shaking her hand, the phone fell to the ground, slid along the ground to the door of the compartment, and the screen reflected two tearing figures.

    Guo Guo's mind was shocked, and she immediately ran up and kicked the door of the compartment open. With a slight tearing sound, A’Nian's struggling and panicked figure appeared in front of her.

    Ou Ruofei, with a stiff expression, was grabbing her wrist and trying to put a black bracelet on it: "This is a gift from me to you..."

    Before she could put it on completely, Ou Ruofei was grabbed by the back of her neck and slid out with Guo Guo's strong pull.

    "Gift, gift..." Ou Ruofei raised her hands and was still trying to make a move. Guo Guo elbowed her out of the cubicle and then slammed the door shut.

    The two living people hid in the toilet cubicle, panting and staring at each other. Finally, Guo Guo took out the water drop jade pendant and confirmed that "A’Nian" in front of her was not a danger.

    "What's going on? What's wrong with them? What is the gift? Where are the others?" 

    She asked all her questions in one breath, but A’Nian shook her head blankly and didn't know anything.

    Guo Guo felt her brain throbbing, grabbed her mobile phone and called the dormitory phone, but it was still unreachable.

    No, something is wrong. How could things suddenly turn out like this? Always feel like something is wrong…

    But before she could figure it out, the cubicle door made a strange click and fell on her back.

    No. 15, whose hands were bleeding, No. 13, whose half of her face was sealed with tape, and Ou Ruofei, who was pale and stiff, squeezed head to head at the door, staring at them expressionlessly.



    One, two, three, after trying all 14 "classmates" who were sleeping, Tang Xinjue's face was as gloomy as water: "I can't be sure what they are, but they are definitely not people we know."

    Rather than saying that all 14 people were replaced in the few seconds they rushed back, it would be better to say that the entire space was replaced. The two tried all the methods and found that they could not contact their roommates.

    The dormitory, corridor and bathroom were all shrouded in extreme silence, like a silent cage, with no way back to reality.

    They were trapped here.

    "What is this?" Jiang Lan smiled bitterly and leaned against the bed rail. She almost went crazy after finding out that she had lost contact with her roommates. She coughed violently for a long time because of her agitation. Her hoarse throat was bleeding, and she could only speak with a single breath.

    Tang Xinjue twisted her fingers one by one, and her gentle expression turned into indifference and silence, without any extra expression.

    This was her original appearance.

    After half a minute to sort out her thoughts, she suddenly said: "It's a dream."


    "This is a dream." Tang Xinjue raised her eyelids, and her pupils reflected the outline of the space. "It's lifelike because it is based on our memory, so it has no exit. It's our consciousness that is trapped here."

    In the bathroom, she also had a mental connection with Guo Guo and the other two, but after receiving Ou Ruofei's fear signal, she forgot to confirm the situation of her roommates in the dormitory first, and rushed back without thinking.

    Presumably, since then, she and Jiang Lan had been disturbed to a certain extent. Just like when people are dreaming, they were often in a state of confusion and could not think completely.

    Jiang Lan: "Is it not possible that it is an alternate dimension or an illusion?"

    Tang Xinjue: "It is possible, but it is unlikely. If this is an alternate dimension, then it is unsolvable in terms of initiative. It is like being thrown into a temporary dungeon, and we can only passively wait for it to ask questions. Emotionally, I personally do not want to accept this possibility."

    Seeing her speak so bluntly, Jiang Lan was stunned: "Why?"

    Tang Xinjue: "We can wait, what about others?"

    It was likely that more than the two of them entered the dream passively. Considering the sudden feeling from Ou Ruofei, it may even be everyone.

    She continued: "I am not afraid of ghosts appearing in dreams. As long as they show up, I have my own way to deal with them. You should be able to do it too, right?"

    Jiang Lan closed her eyes and understood what Tang Xinjue meant. "I can, Keke can... but A’Nian can't."

    Once everyone was dispersed, the weaker roommates would definitely face the greatest danger, and they were out of reach.

    In the dungeon, there was no need to bother attacking strong people, just trap them, just like now-

    She stood up: "Do we have a way out?"

    Tang Xinjue: "If it is a dream or an illusion, there is, but it may cost a little."

    The other side had already prepared herself with a serious look, but heard Tang Xinjue say: "Block your ears."

    Jiang Lan: ?

    In a flash, Tang Xinjue's palm flashed with light, and a genuine... toilet plunger appeared.

    Jiang Lan: ? ?

    While plugging her ears, the rubber head of the toilet plunger suddenly began to move, and the next second, a sea of ​​ghostly screams erupted from it, sweeping the entire space!


    Like a mirror being shattered, a crack quietly appeared, and then a second... spider-web-like cracks densely spread in the air.

    Then it shattered with a bang.

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